Pyrenean Shepherd

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pyrenean Shepherd

    I've been researching them and love the way they sound.  So much variety and they sound like such spunky and athletic guys!

    Does anyone have any personal experience with them or any info?  They're not too common so harder to research.  I've only fund the websites of a few breeders stateside and several in France...

    I am in no place to get a dog but I just thought they might be a breed on the 'some day to own' list.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is that a Pyrenean Sheepdog?  One of these?

    I met this one at Crufts, so cute and honestly I was tempted by them.   

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes, that's them! What a cutie! The rough faced dogs are growing on me. :D
    • Gold Top Dog

    I was at their national speciality performance day (took my guys for HICs). They are very smart, neat little dogs and I like them but most seem to tend towards being shy FWIW.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah, I'd read that. I figure nothing can be as shy as my male sheltie. I've had a lot of experience dealing with a really shy dog. Of course, I'm not actually interested in getting a dog *yet*. Next dog's a border collie!
    • Gold Top Dog

     He/she reminds me of Benji. cute dog, but waaay too much coat for me to deal with.

    • Gold Top Dog

    You may want to ask some agility people in your area.  I think the breed will gain a bit of popularity in the agility ring.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah, I'd read that. I figure nothing can be as shy as my male sheltie. I've had a lot of experience dealing with a really shy dog. Of course, I'm not actually interested in getting a dog *yet*. Next dog's a border collie!

     The Pyr Shepherds actually reminded me quite a bit of shelties in temperament (not that all shelties are shy or all Pyrs are).