Mini bulldogs?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Mini bulldogs?

    My cousin is obsessed with wanting a mini bulldog. Not right now, but in the future when she's living with/married to her boyfriend.

    My first search of them yielded a site saying they were pug/bulldog crosses, so I told her about designer dogs, why they're bad, etc. Then I found out that really they're supposed to just be English bulldogs bred down in size. So kind of looking around, I see a bunch of pretty bad breeders, but they're out there for every breed.

    Basically I'm trying to figure out if mini bulldogs are a legitimate breed, or something more like mini Aussies, or the doodle breeds. Thoughts?

    • Gold Top Dog

    From what I saw, there are some "legit" mini bulldogs, and some bulldog/pug crosses that say they're mini bulldogs.  Apparently they are only registerably with the Mini Bulldog Club of America (or something like that...).  But one website I looked at claimed to be the home of the original mini bulldog, and had only been in bulldogs for 15 years...not sure if someone could healthily downsize a breed in that amount of time...  I'd definitely suggest against it, but people will do what they want.

    • Gold Top Dog

    a friend of mine was going to get his girl friend - of only two months - a mini because she thought they were cute/cool etc..... i'm not an english bulldog fan period and ESPECIALLY not a MINI fan, so i went out of my way to dissuade him for several reasons - #1 being that i didnt like his motives - ..... what my search yielded is that they're both.. some are pug mixes and some are bred down in size. 

    i know some people in a bulldog breeds forum that have minis, victorians, olde english etc type bullies.... the biggest problems they have are with their bottoms. YOU have to clean them because poop will stick to their rears and cause infections. one person had to have their bulldog's tail totally removed. i told him if he really really REALLY wanted to get her a bulldog then he needed to check a local rescue. and he did. they got what they wanted and everyone was happy in the end....... 

    i guess people are going to prefer what ever they prefer but dammit i wish they would think a little further past the ends of their noses!! when i unloaded all my info on him his only response was "well its HER dog, not mine. SHE can wipe its butt!" .... if he had been standing next to me i would have punched him.

    • Gold Top Dog

    We have a client at work who bought an english bulldog..not sure if she was a 'mini' or just a smaller bulldog. Hard to say with a pup. But, they battled constantly with rear end issues. She lacked muscle control back there, so stool leaked out all of the time.  No matter the amount of wiping, she got skin infections. They tried a few surgeries to help, but nothing worked, and she ended up losing even more control and was euthanized before she was 4 months old.  Very, very sadSad 

    • Gold Top Dog

    i dont want to give my rant on AKC bulldogs but the above story is one of the reasons why i dont like the breed... or i should say BREEDERS since the dogs themselves are not at fault.

    in the beginning the AKC bulldog breeders club didnt like the duddley noses (that is pink or red noses for those that dont know) but they encouraged breeding during the first heat and didnt consider screw tails a fault..... um.... ??

    • Gold Top Dog
    I thought a mini bulldog was called a Boston Terrier. Haha

    I would discourage agaisnt it from the posts I have read above. If you cousin wants small dog then maybe you can point them in the direction of a toy breed rescue.

    • Gold Top Dog

    In reality, isn't the English Bulldog of today really a large pug?  I mean, not really, but if I'm not mistaken, the original breed was much less puggy looking and more athletic, and pugs were bred in to get that "fancy" look. Which turned the breed from its role at the time of homestead and shop guardian, and into an unhealthy doorstop incapable of pushing out poop properly or whelping its own young.

    So what we really need is to throw the additional idiocy of miniaturization into this mix.  That's really some humane, forward-thinking breeding there.

    Say, pull that stepstool over here so I can get down off this high horse, okay?  Big Smile

    I'm with dumdogs - the whole thing is a travesty.

    • Gold Top Dog

    the original KC bulldog looked like a short boxer until pug was added... at least i think thats how it went.... there was also a LOT of arguing among the club members who chucked the original standard out the window in favour of fashion..




    • Gold Top Dog

    hmm mini, it always amazes me how they are making mini everything, i love bulldogs hehe im a fan of beefy looking breeds, but as for weather there crossing the breed or mating with smaller i dont know, but english bulldogs are already small in my book lol what is with the mine craze it annoyes me people should just choose a breed thats already going to fit them like me i would give the world for another GSD but i know im going to be living in an appartment in the future so i had to pick a smaller breed instead of going out and looking for a breed thats being downsized and creating new health issues really whats wrong with a full size enlight bulldog? at least shes giving time to think about it.

    • Gold Top Dog

    All I can say is you better tell your cousin to really do her research.  My neighbors across the street informed me when they got their bulldog they thought they were getting a mini.  Needless to say not only was Lucy not a mini but she is on the large side for bulldogs.  Thankfully although they didn't do enough research in the sale of their dog, they have proved to be great dog owners and love her to bits despite her hefty size.