
    • Puppy



    HI All.. I just joined and was wondering if anyone has any information about the breed Havanese?  I would appreciate any info... good or bad. thanks  Bob
    • Gold Top Dog

    What kind of info are you looking for?  Where to get one?  Physical description?  Health issues?  Temperament?  Exercise requirements?  Biddability?

    • Puppy


     I have had Havanese for years.  What information do you want?



    • Puppy

    I want to know if they are a "good" dog...  w/ kids and other pets ... stuff like that    thanks Bob

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, any dog can be a 'good' dog if you treat him right!

    • Puppy


    Generally yes, they are good with children and other pets, especially if they are rasied with children and other pets.  Some can be shy and occasionally I hear about an aggressive one.  There are a lot of Havanese breeders out there now so do your research and ask them lots of questions. Certainly as them what health testing they are doing.  A good way to make sure they are good with kids and other pets right off the bat is to pick a breeder who has children in their home or who has a policy of bringing in neighborhood kids for socializing.  My 14 year old male was raised next to a grade school with lots of socializing so he is very outgoing and loves kids.  I had another little male for a couple of years who loved kids but was aggressive with other dogs.  No amount of socializing ever curbed that tendency to be feisty when meeting other dogs. When he went to a new owner at 2 1/2 so he could have individual attention, they worked with him also but could never get him past that other dog aggressiveness.  Yet, he was the most wonderful dog to have.  I have read they can be hard to housetrain but that hasn't been my experience.  You will also find prices vary quite a bit (I don't know what part of the country you live in - I'm in the Pacific Northwest).

     What else would you like to know?  They really are for the most part wonderful, merry little dogs.  The only real down side would be the coat care and if you keep them clipped in a puppy clip it isn't too bad.  There is a lot of variety in the breed. Some have very dense undercoats and thick outer hair and I've met some with very light coats and a light undercoat which was fairly easy to keep up.



    • Puppy

    Pam that was very helpful  tyvm