We have a bassett hound... well I guess I should say my husband has a bassett hound, lol.. even though I'm the primary care giver in this realtionship But we don't want to step on hubby's toes.

Beefer is a good dog. He's about three and a half years old and is a typical bassett. He's not too active, loafs alot but still enjoys getting out to get a little exercise every now and then. He's very nicely bred, he has straight legs and long ears and a strong back. He's longer than he is tall and is rather close to the ground. He's a hoot to watch run, as it's more of a fast paced waddle than an actual run. He's been a great house dog, rarely has an accident now that he's figured it all out.

He's been known to be a little head strong and stubborn, he'll get on the trail of something and forget his manners. He has the most beautiful bark, but is fond of letting us hear in the middle of the night. He's a good watch dog too. He's not fond of strangers but once he meets you and is sure you're not there for his food or something horrific like that, he'll lick  you to death.

Beefer is a brick. He weighs around 70 pounds right now. He gets along great with our other dog and is also good with the horses. He likes to be the "man" of the house, get his treats first and make sure you know where he's planning on sleeping. If you're in his spot, you're expected to move or you will be laid on.

He sheds a good bit and develops a "hound" odor is he's not bathed regularly. His ears are pretty clean, I wipe them out a couple times a week, and thus far (knock on wood) we haven't had any ear infections, which this breed can be known for.

Ummm... let's see. What else can I tell you about our beloved Beefer? He's not necesarily an obedience champion.. he has a mind of his own, but what he lacks in discipline he makes up for in other ways. Don't get me wrong. He knows the basics, but feels that's enough to get by on.He loves giving kisses and adores getting his belly rubbed and ears scratched. And he has the most adorable eyes. They could make any girl fall in love.