Breed suggestions (herding/working)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed suggestions (herding/working)

    Now that I am back home, I am starting to look seriously into adding a new puppy to my household.  My only dog now is a near two-year-old male rough coated border collie (cowdog lines).  He has grown up around other dogs and gets along great.  Over the last 15 weeks while I have been in Army training, he lived with two other dogs.  Before that it was my roommate's two dogs and others that showed up at the workplace.  My dog goes everywhere with me at work (I work at a horse trail ride facility) and the new one will too.

     I need a breed that is very active as that is the type of lifestyle I lead.  I know as a puppy activity will be limited so he/she can be allowed to grow and develop properly with minimal stress on the joints.  However, once fully grown, I want a dog who can accompany me on long trail rides off leash (after proper obedience training), work all day long with me, and get along with horses and other dogs.

     So far I have been considering another border collie or a working line German shepherd.  I fostered a border collie/heeler mix last summer and she was an awesome dog and if I hadn't planned on being gone for 15 straight weeks, I would have kept her myself.  Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated and looked into.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I say another border collie.  You seem to already know the breed, you have one the pup could learn from, and it sounds like a darn near perfect life for a border collie.  My natural affection for the breed makes me want to see one in a home like yours.  :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I remember your posts from before.  I thought then and still think that a German Shepherd would be a good choice.  Not saying it would be the *best* choice, but I think one could be happy with your lifestyle. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Of course the GSD people are going to recommend a GSD and BC people are going to suggest a BC. LOL Smile

    I just want to say that I think a GSD would be a perfect choice. AND I didn't know what the love and loyalty of a dog could be until I had a GSD.

    Good luck in your search!  

    • Gold Top Dog
    I know a few people you always take along their Australian Shepard everytime they go on a trail ride. Another popular 'riding' breed around here is the Australian Cattle Dog.
    • Gold Top Dog


    Of course the GSD people are going to recommend a GSD and BC people are going to suggest a BC. LOL Smile


    Hehe, yeah.  Although, so many GSD people tell lots of people NOT to get them.  I want everyone to have a GSD!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd go with another BC or an aussie. I'm partial to aussies personally :) My male aussie will go allllllll day long. My breeder has taken all her aussies (6 of them) on many several day trail rides. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for all the suggestions!  About the Aussies, I considered them before I got my first BC and I do like them.  I will research them a little more too.  I especially love the blue merles, but have never purchased a pup based on color (I have a sable BC now but was looking for a black and white when I fell in love with him).  I will start looking for quality working breeders within the next month or so as I prefer working lines over show lines.

    • Gold Top Dog

    How about a corgi? They are little, but have a lot of stamina. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Another popular 'riding' breed around here is the Australian Cattle Dog.

    One of my neighbors I used to live next too has an ACD.  Sam would and could go 24-7.  Very active breed.  And the breeds I would have mentioned have already been said, so I'll second all the suggestions. Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     Don't forget English shepherds.  Sounds like the perfect lifestyle for an ES.  And of course, definitely consider checking out rescues for nice mixes, in your area.  Most medium to large sized dogs will adjust fine to an active, outdoorsy lifestyle.  Think about Dalmation mixes, Boxers, any retriever, the list is really endless.

    Good luck!


    • Gold Top Dog

    I second the ACD. They are a great dog for hanging out no matter your levels of activity. They're made for it.

    Also, in her younger days, I'm pretty confident my corgi would have been fine with that lifestyle. She and I would go on 4 hour hikes and she'd still be ready for more at the end of it. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    You mentioned you were in Army training.  Does that mean you will be called up for overseas/active duty?  If so I assume you have arrangements worked out for 2 dogs.  However, if you're anticipating that in the near future and you want a puppy, I would stay away from the more one-personish herding/working dogs.  I know our malinois is way more attached to my husband than me and I would think if you were away from your pup at a critical time, he might bond with the other person more.  I'm not sure about GSD's, but heelers seem a bit one-personish, at least the ones I've met.Moon

    • Gold Top Dog

    To call a GSD "one personish" is an understatement, however, they can, should, and DO adjust to a different family when they need to.