New dog.... breed guessing game anyone?

    • Gold Top Dog

    New dog.... breed guessing game anyone?


    Let's see if I can get these pics to download and then I'll let you guys test your guessing ability and see if you can figure out what she is... you'll probably never guess!

    I really hope this works!

    She is a year and a half old. About 40 pounds. Very smart. Great with kids. And is doing well with the horses.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh come on! Doesn't anyone want to guess what breeds she's a mix of?

    Let me just say, before ya'll start guessing, that we know both of her parents and one of her siblings...

    • Gold Top Dog

    the pictures aren't showing here, just the dreaded red x


    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh no!!!! Let me try again!!


    • Gold Top Dog

    Did it work that time?? If not, can someone tell me how to download a pic? Apparently I'm not doing it right!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nope, still didn't work.  Are you using [img*]url[/img*] (without the * of course)? Where are you trying to link them from?  Some websites just don't allow you to link them.  You could always upload the pictures into your profile.  If you want to use a website, I always use, then link the pictures from there.  :) 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I don't get it... they're working on mine. Hmmmmmmm.......
    • Gold Top Dog

    Did this work? I have three pics and this is the only one that I can get to download into photobucket from my email! 


    • Gold Top Dog

    your folder is set to private...which means you probably cannot share pics from it. If you set it to public and then use the direct URL that should work fine here.

    • Gold Top Dog

    just FYI you can't link to pics from emails if that is where the links were going...I saw a big long URL ending with "trash" which indicates it was going to an email account?

    • Gold Top Dog
    She looks like a yellow Lab to me. But then Im terrible at guessing breeds. :P
    • Gold Top Dog


    Did this work? I have three pics and this is the only one that I can get to download into photobucket from my email! 


    It's hard to tell from the pic, but she looks like a Lab.  Could be a Lab mix, too.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Lab/Spaniel maybe?  the up turned nose is different.. but i would say for sure a pure bred lab was one of the parents involved.

    • Gold Top Dog


    You guys are half right!! One parent IS a yellow lab, her father is a 60 pound yellow lab. .

    As for the other... you've not gotten close yet... and since I can't get the other pics to post I guess it wouldn't be fair to let you keep guessing.

    Lexie is about 40 pounds, about as tall as a springer spaniel... although she has no spaniel in her, and has a lean build. She does not have the height nor the build of a lab. Her coat is somewhat shorter than a lab's and has kind of a soft undercoat with a harsher outer coat, though not as harsh as say a German Shepherd or a wire haired breed. And she sheds a great deal, lol. Her color is not consistent over her body. She has darker ears and a  "band" down her back... not a stipe, as it's wider than a stripe would be, that has darker and lighter hairs mixed in, while the rest of her body is a pretty reddish-gold color..

    She is very smart, loves kids, but likes to chase smaller animals and will run the horses...but not in a mean way... in more of a herding way. She has a strong will and gets distracted easily outside.. but that's mainly because she's never lived in the country and is fascinated by all the different smells and noises and the freedom of it all, which she is earning bit by bit. She is an excellent guard dog, although she's not viscious. She will let you know if someone come in/up that she doesn't recognize or isn't expecting.

    She was born on a farm, but quickly left for life in the city where her new owners found it difficult to keep her occupied and content. Thus she was returned to her previous owners who still own both parents and one sibling who looks more like the other parent and is "blue" in color.

    So...... can you figure it out?

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...and has kind of a soft undercoat with a harsher outer coat, though not as harsh as say a German Shepherd or a wire haired breed. And she sheds a great deal, lol. Her color is not consistent over her body. She has darker ears and a  "band" down her back... not a stipe, as it's wider than a stripe would be, that has darker and lighter hairs mixed in, while the rest of her body is a pretty reddish-gold color...

    That all sounds like a Lab.  :)  A lot of yellow Labs have different shades of yellow.  Is she part Beagle?  I was wondering that when I first saw her picture the other day, but wasn't sure how big she is.