Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Guessing again for Rafe
I've been pretty dissatisfied with the shepherd/boxer mix guesses, so I'm asking again. This time I have a video, though, so it should be a lot easier to tell what he may be. Shar-pei had actually popped into my head a few days ago because of his tail, ears, and the little wrinkles he gets on...
Tibetan Mastiffs in Agility?
I've recently finished a book on Tibetan Mastiffs, and there were a couple photos of a TM going through weave poles and over jumps. I will eventually be getting one, and I was thinking about activities to do with my future TM. Of course, they aren't the most obedient dog around, however they...
Weird Question
What colors to Bull Mastiff's come in? I know of the basic fawn, tan, red ect. But do they come in shades of grey or darker colors? I'm curious now. BF had a dream about a greyish bull mastiff and usually when he dreams of a puppy, that's the next one we get. (He had a dream of Maze 3 weeks...
Anybody else love staffies?
I absolutely adore staffies, they are definatly my favourite breed, there so smart, protective and loving. When go out side with Donnie(my staff) he tries to follow everybody that walks past, and when poeple stop to stroke him he gets so exited and happy licking them wagging his tail and all that.I dislike...
Do they really come in this color?
Or this a BYB'ers doing? I ask because WOW I really really like this lil guy! [IMG][/IMG]
Help me! I'm starting to really like BC's
Ok, it will be a long time before I get another dog. I'm not worried about getting impulsive and ending up with a black and white terror. But oh help me ... I'm starting to think "Wouldn't it be cool to have a border collie one day?" NO! I couldn't keep a border collie happy...
Do they have different hair types or something? The ones on the dog shows are like huge fluff balls....but also there are some that arnt huge fluff balls... Is it the hair type or do people get all their fluff shaved off? [IMG][/IMG] ...
Guess Jack's Breed?
I obtained Jack from Animal Control's death row in December. He was originally suspected of being a Belgian Sheepdog by someone else from the photos animal control took. The vet says a Collie mix. He has a very long, narrow muzzle that slopes down from his forhead, kind of Collie-esque or even reminiscent...
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HELP! Which breed is this? (pics inside) It's the dog that appears in FRIENDS season 8, episode 15 "The Birthing Video". They call it The happiest dog in the world :) I think it's beautiful, and I wonder what breed it is! Thanx! - Katarina -
It's all your fault Gina!!!
I've been researching different breeds of large/giant dogs for when my BF and I finally buy our own house. And you just had to get a Leonberger didn't you!! Now I have to add that breed to my semi long list to research! *shakes a fist at you* I really want one now but I'm not done researching...
why continue to breed APBTs and other breeds that can't do their original...
Don't flame me yet this question came up in a discussion and I wanted to read what people here have to say. The original question was: "If pit bulls were bred to fight other dogs and we don't allow that anymore, then why keep the breed around? Having dogs created to be dog aggressive...
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Looking for Scottish Terrier owners to compare notes with......
Hello! I own two scotties and soon to have a third. My black male is two years old, my wheaton female is 15 months. Soon, will have another little male. I would like to share trials....successes.....and failures...of living with scotties. Appreciate all commentary. Thanks, Carol
Red Rotties?
how come i have never seen/heard of one before? Red dobies sure... but a rott?
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This makes me SICK; Boxerdoodle, $1200...
WOW, un-be-liev-able...thats all I have to say.
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Any Other Leonbergers?
We recently adopted a Leonberger wannabe - probably a mix that happens to look and act just like one - hard to believe one would be this tiny and also purebred, but who knows? Anyway, besides rwbeagles' new girl, does Lynn have any Leo buddies lurking out there? Nothing Leos like better than more...
Minature Pinschers
Anyone else a Min Pin lover? I would be interested in knowing if anyone has more experience with Min Pins and would share advice about raising one. I am begining to think they are the smartest breed. My Min Pin (Angel) can sit, lay, roll, speak, jump, shut the door, and go get the cell phone when it...
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Any Pom owners out there?
Just recently moved to Ohio. Was wondering if anybody around here has Poms? We don't have small ones, but the bigger, sturdier ones(Ha!). Our female started out white & ended up buff colored & our male is considered a Merle (tan, black, brown & freckles. Would like to talk to other people...
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Toy/Small Dogs [What's Your Opinion?]
The follow thread is a forum suvery. Opinions are welcome but must be rational and within forum rules & reguations. Toy/Small Dogs: Love 'em / Hate 'em / Ignore 'em? There is a difference between: (a) never owning a toy/small dog due to your lifestyle (b) simply disliking all toy...
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Help with breed type, please :)
We got Periwinkle from a rescue, and I'm not really sure what she is. I was thinking part Greyhound, but recently saw a Saluki and I thought that might be it? Any thoughts? [IMG][/IMG] [IMG]
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A New Papillon?
Okay, so I'm looking through Petfinder for Paps. I come across this guy. They say he's a Hound/Pap mix. Um, oooookaaayyy .
  • 15 REPLIES