This makes me SICK; Boxerdoodle, $1200...

    • Gold Top Dog

    This makes me SICK; Boxerdoodle, $1200...

    WOW, un-be-liev-able...thats all I have to say.

    • Gold Top Dog
    *sigh* Thats almost as weird as the Siberian Doodle (HuskyxPoodle). If you want a poodle then get a poodle, if you want a boxer then get a Boxer.
    • Gold Top Dog

    That puppy is so cute. It looks just like the 9769732640831275408-715-917841-975-91274 mutts at the shelter. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Doodle-itis! AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH--make it stop!!!!!!!!Tongue Tied

    • Gold Top Dog


    That puppy is so cute. It looks just like the 9769732640831275408-715-917841-975-91274 mutts at the shelter. 


    lol  i thought the same... "dude... is a black....thing... wow! i could make all kinds of money by selling black furry mutts!"

    but darned my morals and conscience!!! i just cant do it! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I just love how they wrote "rare" puppy.....riiiiggghhht......Confused

    • Gold Top Dog

    I actually can't believe there are pople willing to buy those dogs and by that support those "breeders"...

    In my opinion, it should be prohibited by the law...

    • Puppy

    I agree. It sould be illegal. What will happen to the dogs when they have health/genetic issues due to cross breeding? To me this is absolutely unethical.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's not against the law...though, IMO it should be.

    Uneducated, uninformed people that want a cute little puppy ASAP without researching (even for 5mins on google), or people who just don't care, will be buying into this...and in 6-12months or whenever the buyer gets sick of the dog it will be at the pound, and the BYB/Puppy Mill will have their money. So's a vicious cycle that needs to stop.

    • Gold Top Dog

    someone needs to go to the pound, pick out a bunch of puppies that look REMOTELY like something..and post an add for "rare ??? puppies"  sell them, then donate the money to the shelter!  Think about it..

    • Gold Top Dog

    someone needs to go to the pound, pick out a bunch of puppies that look REMOTELY like something..and post an add for "rare ??? puppies"  sell them, then donate the money to the shelter!  Think about it..

    Ya know, honestly that's a good idea. Maybe the shelters should list breeds as weird mixes. IE: check out this new rotterman pinscher!

    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL!!!  I was thinking the EXACT same thing when I was reading the post, then I came to yours and couldn't stop laughing.  ;)


    • Puppy

     I don't know... I'm new, so be kind as I share my opinion....but, are you guys saying you are against breeding purebred dogs to create a "hybrid" as they are now referred to? I admit that this should not just be done by someone who doesn't know what they are breeding should.  However, I love the idea of breeding two purebred dogs if you want qualities from both of them. I love cocker spaniels, but they shed. My husband and I have a lot of company, and so many people are allergic to dogs that shed, so I began looking for a cocker mix to cut back on the shedding. We ended up getting a Schnocker (Schnauzer & Cocker) and we just love her to death. She seems to have great qualities from both breeds and she has the best temperament I've ever seen in a puppy. She is also so smart, and began to understand going to the door to go outside and do her business after a few days. Now, a few weeks later, she is doing great! I'm not saying they are show dogs, and I know some breeders have no business passing off random mixes as "designer dogs", but I think there are some that are really special. Why not get two great dogs in one?

    • Gold Top Dog

    breeding two purebred dogs if you want qualities from both of them. I love cocker spaniels, but they shed. My husband and I have a lot of company, and so many people are allergic to dogs that shed, so I began looking for a cocker mix to cut back on the shedding. We ended up getting a Schnocker (Schnauzer & Cocker)


    Genetics are not that easy. You may get a non-shedding pup, you may not. IE, i know someone with a goldendoodle. supposedly, they don't shed, but his does!  For example, your dog may be more like a schnauzer in its temperament than a cocker...a whole litter is not gonna take the good traits from each breed.

    I just think there's such a big overpopulation issue in this country, it's absurd to breed mutts and sell them for so much money, when thousands of the same mixes are probably being euthanized in the shelter.It's such a trend.I feel like most hybrid breeders just want to make money. I prefer to buy a puppy whose parents have been health tested and prove themselves in someway...whether it be schutzhund, show, etc.. Just my opinion though.

    • Gold Top Dog

    but, are you guys saying you are against breeding purebred dogs to create a "hybrid" as they are now referred to?

    YES!!! a million times over. There are enough mutts in shelters to take care of everyone's wants. IMO, dogs should ONLY be bred if they are health-tested & passed (hips, elbows, eyes, heart, hearing..whatever's appropriate for the breed) show champions or well-proven working dogs, and a really special specimen of their breed.