Looking for Scottish Terrier owners to compare notes with......

    • Puppy

    Looking for Scottish Terrier owners to compare notes with......

    Hello! I own two scotties and soon to have a third. My black male is two years old, my wheaton female is 15 months. Soon, will have another little male. I would like to share trials....successes.....and failures...of living with scotties. Appreciate all commentary. Thanks, Carol

    • Puppy
    I don't know if  you are still looking at your posts, but if you are check out Brody.  He is our 1 1/2 yr male scottish terrier.  He is a wonderful dog who enjoys playing with all his toys including balls as well as with his 10 month sister rescue scottie Ella. 
    • Puppy

    Hello! I have been awaiting a reply for months. There are a lot more scottie owners out there than are members of this board. Since I signed up, my third scottie is here. I seem to have forgotten the incredible chewing and shredding the pups do. Nothing is sacred anymore. How nice that you have a rescue. I do not see many scotties around east TN. However my groomer says she grooms about a dozen of them. Have you had any problems with housebreaking? I have, even with crate training. My terriers have demolished every toy and ball I have gotten for them. One of their indestructable toys is in splinters. The hard rubber kong ball is misplaced wherever they left it, and I've looked everywhere but the right place. Any recommendations as to toys they cannot shred?

    • Puppy

    Yes they are professional shreders and chewers.  The two of them have chewed thru many toys, pillows, a pair of shoes, towels, you name it.  Brody for a time would shred all newspaper that was left on the floor.   As far as housebreaking they took about two months to fully housebreak.  We previously had two female scotties who took forever to housebreak so this time it was a dream and we did crate train both of them.  As far as indestructable toys those heavy rubber kongs seem to last the longest.  We also have a heavy duty rubber ball that you can stuff treats into that they like to play with as well, but make sure you have enought for everyone or else they may fight over it.  Do your scotties play with one another?  Brody and Ella play with each other alot now.  Hopefully that will keep going as they get older.  Well I am going to give them baths now.  Hoo, Hoo let the games begin. 

    • Puppy

    Thank you for your reply. My three.....where do I start?  The two older ones are crate trained, but if I let them sleep with me in my bed, the carpet gets a chunk. Silly me. The youngest is an example of the extreme reason to not own a scottie. The finest bloodlines from home grown terriers, still a rascal. Guess it's the luck of genetics. Scotties are a bit like me, stubborn, independent. I will say that my two older ones are voice trained. When all is well I address them in one tone of voice. Any other tone and they stop what they are doing and move. Never had to redirect them, never had to isolate them in the crate. Young pup though, is testing the limits. Very smart pup, just cannot resist behavior that drives me nuts. It's almost like raising a teenager again. What was I thinking?

    • Puppy
    This does not sound that unusual.  Ella is about 10 months and she acts like a teenager as well.  She does like to please and demands attention as does Brody.  If I play with one they both want to play.  I dont mind as a matter of fact I think it probably is good.  Your youngest scottie is probably looking for the attention any way possible.  As for the sleeping on tht bed issue, well Ella loves being on the bed as does Brody, but Brody also likes to camp out at the foot of the bed under the overhanging comforter in what we like to call his tent.  It is pretty funny.  Ella will stay on bed all night.  I think once you allow that it is difficult to break the habit.  Sometimes in the morning I wll tell Ella to get off the bed and she will go into her crate.  She is pretty good about that.  They are nice and clean today since their baths yesterday so that is good.