It's all your fault Gina!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's all your fault Gina!!!

    I've been researching different breeds of large/giant dogs for when my BF and I finally buy our own house. And you just had to get a Leonberger didn't you!! Now I have to add that breed to my semi long list to research!

    *shakes a fist at you* I really want one now but I'm not done researching everything yet. So I might ask some questions of you Stick out tongue as payback. Lol. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Ask away...I might not know much myself tho, since she's my first....she's here sleeping on the kitchen floor, sleep barking LOL. Too cute.


    ETA: I measured her today...been curious. Approx 22.5" at the shoulders...Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gina I love Giant dogs.   I havent heard of your breed.  I dont know how I could have missed it.  Our new puppy,,Rocky, was a Foster rescue and everyone thinks he might be a Newfoundland mix.   I certainly hope so but hubby thinks he is more Lab. Since we have never had either we are just waiting to see.  He is aprox 12 weeks, weighed 25 lbs yesterday at his puppy ck up.  He has gained 15 lbs since we got him on Feb 2.   How old is your baby.  He sounds big.   Is there a link you like best that I could read up on that breed??  I just love big teddy bear dogs!

    • Gold Top Dog

    How old is your baby.  He sounds big.   Is there a link you like best that I could read up on that breed??  I just love big teddy bear dogs!


    Cleo is female Leo....this link is actually a pretty good here ya go!


    • Gold Top Dog

    I have to wipe the tears, I just read the Leo Tales, so heartwarming.   Gina no wonder you chose a Leo how cute!  How old is Cleo?  She looks like a furry ball of fluff. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    She was born Nov 1st so she's what 4 1/2 mos. right now. Justa baby....a HUGE baby haha!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I like first hand account on the breed from owners as well as breeders. Glad to know you won't mind being "hassled" by me. Lol!

    Where did you get her? I remember you said you had to fly her in. 

    Maze sleep whines all the time.. Doesn't bark thou. Lol.