Guess Jack's Breed?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess Jack's Breed?

    I obtained Jack from Animal Control's death row in December. He was originally suspected of being a Belgian Sheepdog by someone else from the photos animal control took. The vet says a Collie mix. He has a very long, narrow muzzle that slopes down from his forhead, kind of Collie-esque or even reminiscent of an Afgan hound.

    In December he was guesstimated to be 18 months old (he has the whitest, most beautiful teeth!). He's gained 20 pounds since I got him (he's 60 pounds now) and I swear he's gotten taller. I thought he still looked kinda skinny and was shocked when I got him on the vet's scale yesterday. He is every inch a goofy lanky teenage puppy still.

    I'd welcome any guesses!

    The next 2 photos were taken the day I brought Jack home (after a well-needed bath). He's grown since then.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Possibly Flatcoated Retriever. Here's a link to several photos.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Possibly Flatcoated Retriever. Here's a link to several photos.


    Flatcoat mix was my thought, too.  At first I thought Collie/Flat Coat, but there is something in one of the last pictures that made me thing Afghan/Flatcoat.

    • Gold Top Dog

    In the 3rd picture he looks like he has a slight arch in his back, which would suggest to me some type of sighthound (possibly Afghan!), and he obviously resembles a flat coated retriever, but then there's no telling.  Could just be an Afghan/lab mix of something similar.  Or he could indeed be a Belgian shepherd mix.  Whatever he is, he's SO cute!  I love last

    • Gold Top Dog


    ...Or he could indeed be a Belgian shepherd mix...

    On that note, something I hadn't thought of- Belgian Shepherd/Flatcoat.  There really is a lot about him that reminds me of the Flatcoats I've met.

    • Gold Top Dog

    That's so funny - I guess this is a very common muttly configuration.  Here's my girl, who most people say looks like a flat coat.  From what I understand, flat coats are not all that common, and the chance that these are actually mixed with them is slim.  My girl mostly reminds me, after flat coats, of a lab-golden mix.




    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd never seen a flatcoated retriever before; I do see the resemblance. Thanks for the input, folks!

    Theo- your girl is a cutie!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks!  I notice, looking at my own pictures, that in the snow picture, you can see some of the 5 bales of hay I've thrown on my lawn to try and cut down on the mud she picks up.  Help!  It's warming up outside and I may not be able to maintain the will to live through the thaw.  I hope your situation is different.  That feathery coat picks it up like a paint brush. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     From what I understand, flat coats are not all that common, and the chance that these are actually mixed with them is slim.  My girl mostly reminds me, after flat coats, of a lab-golden mix.

      That is always something to consider - if the breed is uncommon, you are less likely to be seeing mixes of them. So I'd say the Flatcoat/Belgian mix is probably able to be ruled out.

     Nothing about Jack looks real sighthound-y to me, lots of dogs can have roach backs. He actually does have a Flatcoat look too him, has they tend to look more like setters than black Goldens (longer muzzles, slimmer heads, overall thinner/leggier). Many Golden Retriever mixes are black, as that is a color they carry and is a dominate color. I have Belgians and while he does have similar features to one, it is hard to tell from the pictures but it isn't likely he is a mix of one because they aren't real common.

     At any rate he is a handsome boy!

    • Gold Top Dog

     It's actually the other way around - the golden color masks black, which the Golden Retriever can carry as a recessive color (ditto yellow labs).  A black dog and a golden colored dog could have puppies that have as high as a 3 in 4 chance to be black colored, assuming the golden carried black.

    He looks very collie-ish.  That can come from actual collies, Shelties, Border Collies, English Shepherd - and even Beardies, believe it or not.  The sighthound impression can come from the fact that there is sighthound in the very, very recent history of the Border Collie/collie/Sheltie/Bearded Collie.

     My money is on Golden Retriever/sheepdog/something mix.  I'm thinking you've got more than a couple breeds in there, most likely.  It's kind of fun when it ends up looking like something rare and cool like a Flatcoated Retriever - you can tell everyone you've got a Mini version (they are fairly large dogs, doesn't look like Jack will quite make it to that size).  I've got a Mini Leonberger - somebody on here called her a Teacup Leonberger.  Since there's a possibility she really IS a Leo, just pathetically inbred and underfed - that's not quite as amusing as it could be.  But still, it's funny to think of now that she's safe from all that.

    Thanks for rescuing Jack!


    • Gold Top Dog

    Either rough collie/Lb or rough collie/Golden. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     At 60 pounds, he'd be just a bit small for a full grown male flat coat.  Theo is 60 pounds, which I understand is just right for a female.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd go for a flat coated/something mix... That was the first thing that came to me when I saw the photos.

    His head really looks like a flat's and I think there is something in his body constitution...

    • Gold Top Dog
    The head and coat reminds me of a Flat Coated/ Collie mix.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I'll go Lurcher on this one...Some type of Collie x Some type of Sighthound. The roach to the back and length of the schnozz say sighthound to me...ditto the tuck up and serene if distant expression.