Guess the breed

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess the breed

     Here is a picture of my sister's dog Miley could you guess the breed?She's almost 2 years old Miley

    • Gold Top Dog

    Part shepard and lab? or dal?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Forgot to add, she's beautiful!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lab/border collie? Really nice looking dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm doing with GSD/Dal ??

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm going to guess at a few different combos...

    Border collie x shepherd

    shepherd x dal

    I dunno, for some reason she has a really "shepherdy" look to me.


    • Gold Top Dog

    my vote goes for border collie/ lab 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Border collie/husky or husky mix 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Border Collie?  Or BC/ACD?  Looks pretty Canaan Dog too but those are so rare. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Since, like Liesje said, Canaan Dogs are pretty rare, I'll say BC/(white)GSD.  She does look like a Canaan Dog, tho.


    • Gold Top Dog

    To me her markings look like they came from a cattle dog. I bet that there's more than 2 breeds in there....cattle dog x lab x shepherd

    Something like that. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    i agree with Jewlie.. ACDxShepXBC beautiful pup either way Big Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Smile  Her breed is Australian Cattle Dog and Black Lab I believe thats what my sister said, I know the Australian Cattle Dog is it because the people who gave the dog to my mom breeds them but this litter was a bad one lol the only person to keep there dog is my sister the rest of the people got rid of them because they said the dog was wild, my sister's dog was at first but she's great and she's a great watch dog, my sisters neighbor takes Miley on walks he has no family and no pets so he asked a few neighbors if he would walk their dogs, Miley loves him she'll watch the window to see if he's outside and if he is she'll go nuts wanting to go out with him, I told my sister oh you should give him Miley (joking of course lol) she said no way thats my baby Miley is great with kids as well my sister has two girls 4 & 2 

    Good guess :)