Guessing again for Rafe

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guessing again for Rafe

    I've been pretty dissatisfied with the shepherd/boxer mix guesses, so I'm asking again.  This time I have a video, though, so it should be a lot easier to tell what he may be.  Shar-pei had actually popped into my head a few days ago because of his tail, ears, and the little wrinkles he gets on his forehead sometimes (although I know other dogs have that too).  He also has quite a bit of extra skin around his neck and, of course, his purple spotted tongue.  ;)

     Feel free to critique my obedience exercise.  I was doing this so I could critique myself (for his BH that should be coming up in a few months), but he was just horrible.  Of course, that was my fault.  I left him with my boyfriend's parents who did no work with him, and before that I was definitely neglecting his training.  lol!  So it became more of a fun thing than a real obedience exercise. 

    Also, excuse my attire (just got off of work, so I'm wearing pink scrub pants and my work hoodie) and my boyfriend...who is pretty..erm...loud...and odd...and doesn't really know what he's doing...  Heheh...

    This link should work -

    • Gold Top Dog

     It's hard to tell from the shows up so big that the pixels become a bit grainy and blurry. All I can tell from the video is that he seems live a very happy and very obedient boy. He also seems to have a nice big fully stride.


    I had to track your original post to find pictures of him... I honestly don't see pit in him. I really would go with boxer a boxer mix. I see a sheperdy breed for sure, but I wouldn't say it was German shepherd. To me, he looks more like a Belgian Mailinois/Boxer (maybe some hound) mix to me.... 

     If your really worried/curious about what he may be, I would suggest looking into the DNA tests... they're not 100% accurate but at least it would give your some idea.

    He's really cute. Good luck with him.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see Boxer in the body type for sure...that square build deep chest, "high on the leg" look, "bouncy" attitude, and tuck up as well as the color do say Boxer X to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My first impression looking at the video was a Boxer mix - just based on the outline and general look since the video doesn't show clear details at all. Does he have a purple spotted tongue or black spots?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Equest 94 - Thanks!  He really is a good boy.  I've thought boxer was a good possibility, but then again, almost 90% of the people who see him think he is pit or pit x (which probably doesn't mean just a whole lot, since so many breeds are mistaken for pits anyway).  And I apologize for the definitely wasn't that bad before it was uploaded.  What I'm really wondering is where his curly tail comes from!  I know boxer tails curl slightly if they're left natural, but definitely not that tight of a curl.  It's not that it's so important for me to find out, I'm just curious.  ;)  I've also had people say he looks like a mal in his body-type and the way he acts during his protection training.  My trainer just calls him a floppy dutch!

     rwbeagles - I've thought that too!  The boxer part I can see, especially because of his overall attitude and brindle color, but, like I said above, what's up with the tail? 

     AgileGSD - He does have a purple spotted tongue.  It's actually more purple than pink. 


    • Gold Top Dog

     AgileGSD - He does have a purple spotted tongue.  It's actually more purple than pink. 

     I guess that narrows it down then- I'm pretty sure only chows and peis have purple tongues (but lots of breeds can have black on their tongues). I have seen mixes with solid purple tongues that I would have never guessed by the dog's look had either breed in their background. One looked like a Mal colored ACD. The other I thought was a purebred Golden until it started panting - imagine my surprise!

    • Gold Top Dog

    like I said above, what's up with the tail? 


    Nothing has to be up with it lol. Boxers are docked...breeders have never paid attention to the's length, shape or thickness...only thing is the set. If you are removing almost all of it...why bother?

    If a traditionally docked breed, is left with a tail or ears for that matter...said body parts can adapt any number if shapes and sets. But usually they curl because that is a rather normal primative carriage for the canine. Typically from what I have seen a docked breed left with a tail tend to have a thick root tapering to a skinny point and carry it in a ring or over the back.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I definitely see what you're saying, and I've seen several boxers, dobes, and rotts with natural tails and they do tend to curl over the back.  Its just that Rafe's curl is pretty tight, more like an Akita's tail or something.  lol!  Not saying it couldn't be from a boxer, but it just seems like something else should've been added in there.  ;)

    Thanks for the opinions, guys!