The german spitz

    • Silver

    The german spitz

    I want to talk about my favourite breed, the german spitz.
    I had ever read a lot of thing about it and when I did want to have a small breed, I decided to take one.
    And then is Attila came in my family. He's a dwarf spitz. And he's really a wonderfull dog.

    This breed exist in five size. (what are the unit of size use in the USA, in BB and in Australia, not the centimetres and the kilogrammes I think ?)
    The dwarf, between 18 to 22 centimetres (less than 2 kilogrammes)
    The little, between 23 to 29 centimetres (between 2 and 5 kilogrammes)
    The medium, between 30 to 38 centimetres (between 5 and 10 kilogrammes)
    The big, between 42 to 50 centimetres (between 15 and 20 kilogrammes)
    The wolf, between 43 to 55 centimetres (between 15 and 20 kilogrammes)

    The wolf only exists in one colour, wolf grey.
    The big one exists in black, white and brown.
    The three other size, in many colours. The one which are alowed by the FCI are : black, white, brown, orange, cream, wolf grey, black and tan, all this colours with white (the three last are not easy to find in France)

    About the behaviour : a german spitz is always looking around, lively and extraordinarely in love with his master. Always want to learn, so it's easy to teach something to him. He's carefull with people he doesnt know, not like hunting, so he's very good to protect a house. He doesnt fear the bad weather, he has a strong health and lives many years (about 15)

    If you don't understand something because I have not use the good words (I can't find my dictionnary these last days) tell me, I will try to use a best english to explain it Stick out tongue

    My own dog, Attila.
    At 9 weeks when I take him in the kennel :

    At 1 year and a half

    With two wolf spitz, the biggest and the smalest varieties of the breed

    To see more picture, the adress of his blog : [url][/url]

    Others spitz

    Two little spitz (a black and tan and a cream)

    A brown medium

    A white medium

    Black big, and a little white and black

    • Silver

    Merci pour l'information.  Ils sont tres mignon!  Si tu n'a pas de dictionnaire on peut aller a pour traduction.  Mais, je comprend ce que tu avais dit bien.  J'ai eu une question, tu as dit "the wolf".  En francais, c'est le loup.  Est-ce que c'est vrai?  Je suis desolee que je ne parle pas le francais tres bon. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Surprise Those dogs are beautiful!

    How much do they usually weigh?

    • Gold Top Dog

    The coats are deceptive. The mittels (medium) are usually 15-20 pounds, the Kleins 8-12, the zwerg/dwarf/toy is registered outside of Germany as the Pomeranian and is 4-7 pounds. The Gross/Giant are... 30odd pounds, I believe? and the wolfspitz is registered elsewhere as a Keeshond- 35 pounds or so. They're distantly related to the American Eskimo and the sizes corrospond fairly well.

     There are two active GS breed lists in English, one from Australia and one from England- both focus on the Mittelspitz. In some countries, they are kept as separate breeds (most countries, really, but particularly the UK and Australia and Germany doesn't allow cross-variety breeding but you can move a dog from one variety to another ONCE if it matures over or undersize) but others do- I've seen a pedigree of a French dog that has all three sizes in the pedigree! I'm on a waiting list for a mittelspitz girl of my own to show here in the US- there is a US list as well and hopefully there will be a club here someday but it is not very active.

    I have a lot more information on my blog at

     These are NEAT dogs. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     If the large or wolf sized ones were available over here, I'd be seriously considering that instead of the Finnish Lapphund. I'm one spitz keen-bean! I've met some smaller ones, and they're pretty cool, but a lot of the show folks de-bark them because they can't be bothered teaching them to be quiet. Sad

    • Gold Top Dog


    The Wolfspitz is definately available in Australia- look up "Keeshonds" :) I *think* there are a few Grossespitz imported in to Australia but not many- they're the least popular of the varieties for some reason.

     While I am not pro-debarking, honestly? There are some dogs you really *can't* teach to be quiet. If it's rehome the dogs, lose the house, or debark dogs? Debarking is a pretty reasonable solution!

    • Silver

    Merci pour l'information.  Ils sont tres mignon!  Si tu n'a pas de dictionnaire on peut aller a pour traduction.  Mais, je comprend ce que tu avais dit bien.  J'ai eu une question, tu as dit "the wolf".  En francais, c'est le loup.  Est-ce que c'est vrai?  Je suis desolee que je ne parle pas le francais tres bon. 

    Your french is good Wink

    Yes I use web traductor but sometimes they don't give the good word Stick out tongue

    Wolf is the name of the biggest variety of the breed because of his colours but there is no more wolf's blood in it, than in other dogs 

    • Silver

    About barking, it's true that Attila did want to do that for each things he ears. But I have leard to him, that he hadn't and now, it's not a problem. He only do that when somebody knock the door, or when he's affraid about something, or when he's really excited, because of playing or be with others dogs who are barking.

    If someone really learn to his spitz not to bark to much, he will do, but it has to be done... it doesn't come alone...

    • Gold Top Dog

    While I do agree that you can teach many dogs not to bark, honestly, until you've lived with a chronic barker? You don't realize how annoying it can be! Luckily, I have really tolerent neighbors!      

    • Gold Top Dog

     It's true that chronic barkers can be a huge problem, and most spitz breeds are very fond of their own voices. I think a lot of those breeders didn't even try, though. I spoke to one who refused to do it and she said a lot of them just had it done routinely when they got the dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Bumping upthis thread to add a photo of my mittelspitz girl!


    9 weeks old with her tug 

    • Gold Top Dog

    she's so cute and fluffy! Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I had no idea people were still breeding the medium sized one. Being german I'm extremely familiar with this breed... but the fact is there isn't the "spitz" now [at least there isn't here in america] They are just Pomeranians & Keeshounds (which is what most of your pictures are). You can get the larger size Pom sometimes due to throwbacks but do they still even call them German Spitz anymore....???? Deuche Klien Spitz is how my german friends refer to my Pom here in the states.... Where are you from????

    • Puppy

    Attila is beautiful spitz. Is he cream or white with cream markings? Mittelspitz girl is beautiful girl too but by the photo she has small white marking and it is not standard by FCI. 


    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes, I know. Here in the US, all the spitz imported have come from the UK or Australia, where the white markings are permitted.