The german spitz

    • Puppy

    Oh really? It is interesting. I like mittelspitzes from UK and Australia, by photos most of them look very nice, good body and good coat but unfortunately I don't know anything about breeding in these countries. How about teeth? Are some missing teeth permitted for breeding?

    • Gold Top Dog

    There's not the regulation for breeding on the level that is present in germany. Missing teeth happen, I am told, but it's not the usual and obviously people try to avoid it. The spitz is a wonderfully moderate, natural breed- no tiny crowded mouths like a lot of the toys. Lizzie has a proper scissors bite- she's just 4 months old so waiting to see on adult dentition but she looks good for now. :) She's a little shorter than square at this point but I think will be very nice as she matures. And the mismark, I can live with- most likely when we get our breed club going here, we'll be using the English standard, simply because to disallow all mismarks means that we'll have very, very few dogs left- ALL of the dogs here in the US are from England or Australia, where the mismark is permissible and really widespread. We do have a very few dogs who have German breeding behind them (in England) but that's it. I'd like to import a dog from Germany someday but the language barrier is a big deal, as is not getting over there to get my hands on dogs in person. (Although I really like the look of the aus dem Norden dogs.)

    Here's the UK breed standard: 

    Lizzie is 3/4 English and 1/4 Australian breeding. Her mother is from the first litter whelped her in the US (owned by Pat Scott, who imported a bitch in whelp.)


    • Puppy

    Thank you for your explanation. I am interested in teeth because it is a big problem in our country because we do cross-variety breeding and transfer from variety to another after dog size. By FCI standard mittelspitz need full teeth but it is not possible keep this rule so some missing teeth are tolerated and I know in other countries is the same situation so it is very complicated to import some dog if you don't know how is breeding in that country because of course every mittelspitz breeder's aim is mittelspitz with full teeth.

    Lizzie is really beautiful, shorter body in her age is good, maybe her mismark will disappear by time. Sometimes it is happened. If not and it is good in your country, it is ok. More important is health, patellas and PRA.

    • Puppy

    I have read English standard and I think it is the same as FCI one, except of color.

    My mittelspitz is on my website you can look at him but it is not completely in English but here are many links to mittelspitz all over the world

    so I want to add here your web site so can you write me name of your kennel or pedigree name of Lizzie? I didn't find it on your site.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Lizzie's from Gruessgott spitz here in Texas- if you'll email me ( I can send you her pedigree- it's not in Sharon's database at the moment. (Do you know about Sharon's database? It's pretty complete for the UK and Australian dogs, anyway - ) Her mother is Marquis Gretel (Wyndlee Like Ice In The Sun x Channan Minstrel in Wyndlee IImp UK)) and her sire is Marquis Marquis Hez A Dandi (Marquis The Magician x Nueboree Parti Time (Imp Australia))

     Her mismarks aren't going to go away, but they'll be much less noticable once she's in full coat. She's currently hitting the Amazing Hairless Teenager stage :P so I don't have any good current photos. :P There's some of me attempting to stack her - here but none of them are great.... :P

    Currently we're struggling with AKC wanting to allow all three varieties (klein, mittel, gross) to be interbred, which we really don't want- not sue what's going to happen, thogh.  

    Your guys are beautiful! (I'm a kees fan too. :P) I love Dori's color.

    • Puppy

    So I looked at the photos of parents of your Lizzie and they look very good maybe they have a little bigger ears than it is common in our country. I think I didn't need Lizzie's pedigree because I don't know UK and Australian dogs in details so it is not so informative for me but generally I like very much dogs from Wyndlee and especially from Nueboree. Their dogs look wonderful on photos and oh that is a pity they live soooo far from me. :-)

    And I understand you don't have any good Lizzie's photo this her age is, I say, Monster age :-) but after some months she will change her coat and she will look wonderful.

    I hope you will be successful with AKC it would be pity if the only mittelspitz from all German spitzes was known in USA. We do variety interbreeding in our country but only zwergspitz x kleinspitz or kleinspitz x mittelspitz and only with special permission and for serious reason (for example when no stud dog is in the same variety). Grosspitz is special case and it is for long explanation. But I think even if AKC would recognize grosspitz it would be too hard for anybody in USA to start breeding because grossspitz is became extinct.

    In UK grossspitz in not recognized because my friend was qualificate to Crufts with her grossspitz and couldn't go there because of it.

    • Puppy

    And so for introducing German spitz - this is my favourite photo :-)

    four sizes of German spitz - from right zwergspitz, kleinspitz, mittelspitz, grossspitz

    • Puppy


    At 1 year and a half

    Others spitz

    Two little spitz (a black and tan and a cream)



    I am from German and I own a Mittelspitz. Your Attila is a sweet boy. But this black&tan one is magnificent - but I think it is a Kleinspitz?

    Here´s a real german Mittelspitz picture - not in white:

      and no, it is not mine. Big Smile

