
    • Gold Top Dog


    Pitbulls are wonderfull dogs despite there rep and i exspect Rottweilers to be to  are they?
    • Gold Top Dog
    im thinking of getting one
    • Gold Top Dog
    We have had ours for 8 years and he is a sweet heart! Great with kids,doesnt mind the cats.Even the old lady next door loves him!He doesent have a mean bone in his body except when it comes to wheels.For some reason he hates them! Bikes,roller blades,skateboards.Maybe they make a noise that he cant stand? Not sure.
    • Gold Top Dog
    If properly trained (like any dog) they make wonderful family members, very swett and willing to please, and very good with children. I adore them, and someday I may just have one
    • Gold Top Dog
    Roxie's a Rottie/GSD mix, though her physical appearance is definitely more rottweiler than GSD.  I love everything about her.  She's still young, but as long as she is properly trained and respected, I see no problem in the future.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Rotties are awesome dogs.  All breeds of dogs need to be raised properly, have some type of obedience traing and socialization.  A dog is what you make of it.  Be prepared to put atleast 2 full years of traing and socializing into them.  Some people will always think that ALL Rotties are bad therefore you need to work very hard to make sure you have a great dog to prove them wrong...especially with all the BSL laws they are trying to push through.  I had  Rottie for 8 year and he was an awesome dog but I had to work with him alot!
    • Gold Top Dog
    My neighbor has one and she is the best dog around strangers that I've ever met.  They got her from the shelter a few years ago as an adult too.  The only problem she has is that she is dog-aggressive.  But they have been working on it.
    As with all breeds, if properly trained and socialized they make excellent pets in the right homes.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Rottweilers are awesome dogs! They are big and powerful, therefore they require a lot of training. If you;re willing to put the time and effort into a rottweiler, it could be an incredible companion! Most of them are big, sweet babies who want nothing more than to be with you.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I Dont understand this "BSL" which you speak of what does it mean?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Breed specific legislation, aka, breed bans, such as the Pit Bull bans in Colorado
    • Gold Top Dog
    This is"nt the dogs fault its the owner they need to know if they can get their dogs trained before they go out and buy it this is ridicolous how can i go against this?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Just in reply Rottweilers make excellent pets and are great with kids. We had two when i was young but passed of old age now im 14 and have a pitt mix that we got from a shelter hes my dog and three others in the house. Anyway Rottweilers must be taught from a puppy who is in charge so they dont take advantage of you. Once you show dominance they respect it and become the most wonderful dogs. I also agree it is the owners fault and breeds like pitts and rottweilers should not be banned. My dog the pitt sleeps with me his head on my chest and the rest of the body around my side and here they are trying to ban them. Well if you decide to get one I well truely enjoy them
    • Gold Top Dog
    IMO they are not a dog that would do well in an apartment unless you are adopting an older one, they are on higher energy end. They need exercise mentally & physically. A tired dog is a happier dog. Besides the training you will need to do, they will cost you more to own, shots, food and etc... Have you looked into the difference your homeowners insurance will be, you may have to change the company you have now just for owning one.
    • Silver

    I grew up with nothing but Rottweilers. Awesome dogs! In fact, my baby pictures show me crawling around on the floor with Rotties and there pups. My dad used to breed and train AKC Rottweiler pups. He taught them tricks and obediance commands. Highly intelligent animals, and perfect guard dogs. Check their background and use common sense when selecting your breeder, as with all dogs.

    Rotts- A+++++++++++++

    • Bronze

    Rotties are real treasures.  Ours is such a ham, can't get enough attention.  Some say they are high energy, ours is not.  However that can all be dog to dog.  One may be HYPER!!!! and the other may be lazy.  It could be that I am just comparing him to our other dog Jake who is a SPEEEEED FREAK, who never stops moving.  Either way they are big and powerfull and can cause bumps and bruises during rambunctious play.  Also any dog that gets bored will find a way to entertain themselves, Rottweiler can just cause an unbeleviable amound of property damage.  We call this destructive behavior, they call it a challenge. "I wonder if I can tear this gutter drain off the side of the house?" (yeah he did).  So exercise is super essential with these guys.  They are built as a "trotter" meaning their body structure is geared towards traveling long distances.  They may not get sufficiently worked with less than an hour long walk each day.  We have a cart for him to pull and use it every other or every third day, and use a doggie back pack on the hotter days.  These guys are I.n.t.e.l.i.g.e.n.t and don't let them fool you with the "goofy stare" that I have seen from ours a hundred times and seen lots of others do at the dog parks and beeches.  They get hot easily.  We live in San Diego and he gets uncomfortalble in the summer.  Lots of water, ours has 4 bowls scatterd about always full of water.  One in the front yard, back yard, garage and laundry room.  Also we trim the fur on his stomach, inside of his legs and under his neck to help keep him cool.  If you have any other questions please ask.