chinese crested...

    • Gold Top Dog

    chinese crested...

    I think they are cool looking dogs and would love to own one after doing all my research but wanted to hear from the owners or anyone who has any expierence with this breed. What are the pros and cons of the breed? Are they the cuddley type lap dog or are they hyper dogs that need to be walked all the time? Would you reccommend a powderpuff or a hairless? Are they generally good with little kids and other pets if raised and socialized well? What are their personalitys like?

    Thanks in advance! :]

    I'd loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to see pictures too!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Jennie CD probably can tell you more than I can.

     You need an AWESOME breeder -- like any animal that has been bred for a specific thing - the hairless ones can have some serious skin issues.  They actually need SUN screen and you have to exercise some serious care with them.

    The only one I know personally is a powderpuff and he's a sweet little guy but I don't know a ton about their personality otherwise. 

    These are *not* rugged dogs tho -- they are serious "companion" dogs -- so these aren't the type of dogs you'd turn loose with a bunch of 3 year olds to 'play'.  Their bodies aren't super 'durable' -- which is another reason many of the tiny/small dogs aren't often recommended for 'kids'.  Does that make sense?

    • Gold Top Dog

    My Grandma had the powderpuff kind when I was a kid, his name was Fleetwood, lol, after her car. Anyways, he had a ton of energy, forcing my Grandma to get a dog walker even though she was home with him 24/7 and took him on her daily walks, but when he wasn't on the go he was on her lap, or in the passenger seat of her car, or curled up at the foot of her bed. She took him everywhere and let him meet people, kids, dogs, so he was well socialized. The only problem I knew she had with him was his teeth; keeping them clean.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I work with someone who has a hairless CC, and she says he's just the coolest little dog.  In her experience, CCs are true companion dogs and eager to please.  Her dog has a good repertoire of tricks, and is friendly toward people and animals.  The only thing that her dog struggles with is potty training.  But otherwise he's like another one of her children.


    • Gold Top Dog

     They are the COOLEST little dogs around, IMO. My next dog will be a CC. Hopefully a pink, polka dotted hairless. I will get a true hairless. I will not be shaving or using hair removal cream on my dog. Not my cup of tea. It'll be a show dog, so... meh.


    Anyhow, you do need a really good breeder. If you want a hairless, you'll have to find out if it's a true hairless or a hairy hairless. Hairy hairless have almost... a full coat of hair, with extra at the furnishings. They're what you often see in the show ring, and the ones you see are shaved/Naired/whatever. True hairless are  bald except furnishings and a few body hairs.


    They do tend to have dirty mouths and need lots of dental care, like a lot of toy breeds. They hairless have a different dentition than a regular dog.  The hairless and Puffs seem to have a bit of personality difference. Most Puffs I know are more laid back. They can have NASTY skin problems, as well (in either variety), and allergies and IBD are common.


    They are a more "delicate" breed, like Callie says. Gator (a buddy of mine, intact male champion got two best of breeds this weekend GO GATOR!) is a couple of inches taller than Emma (who is 13" and weighs 19 lbs) and only weighs 8 lbs. They're quite leggy and fine boned. They can't take much, as far as weather goes. They have to be protected about like a human baby. That's ok with me, though, because I can't take much, either.


    Their hair is super fine, and mats easily. Puffs have a double coat. They have to be combed out very often, or kept shaved. They're beautiful, beautiful dogs. Every one I've met has been a snuggler. They can be quite difficult to potty train, but some of them have a real affinity for things like obedience and agility. They're emotionally sensitive, as well, IME, which makes them really cool to hang out with. I like a dog who responds to my emotions.

    • Gold Top Dog

    A hairy hairless crestie deigns to share her life with us.  She's pictured in my avatar and I'll post more pictures at the end of this post.  What Jennie says is true, but I'll answer your specific questions.

    What are the pros and cons of the breed?

    Pros - they truly are low allergenic.  They seem to me like a great mix of being really fun loving like a terrier, but more biddable like a lap dog.  They do have that lap dog "what's in it for me?" attitude.  Like most small dogs, they can be difficult to potty train, but there's a trick to it that can take out 80% of the difficulty.  Whether you get a hairless or a puff, there's a good bit of grooming involved compared to a not-so-cool looking dog like a lab or a Border Collie.  I call Zhi "My Little Pony" - I spend a few minutes each day combing her out, and once a week she gets a more intensive grooming session that involves bathing, shaving, and treating her skin with moisturizer and sunscreen.  You must apply sunscreen on the hairless, and on the puff's nose if you shave the face, or their skin will burn and get minor infections.  Dental care on the hairless is a must - their teeth are particularly soft.  Zhi eats a small soft bone each day and her mouth stays quite clean, but I also use a gel each day (Petzlife).

    Are they the cuddley type lap dog or are they hyper dogs that need to be walked all the time?

    Um, yes.  Some are more cuddly and some are more intense in their need for exercise - but all the ones I've ever known or heard of needed both, and a lot of it.   Zhi is like a nekkid Jack Russell in her energy level.  She's on the go constantly, but if I sit down, she's also there demanding my lap.   Flyball is getting pretty popular with the crestie crowd, as is agility.

    Would you reccommend a powderpuff or a hairless?

    I think most breeders will steer a first time non-show owner towards a puff.  They are somewhat less demanding in their grooming requirements and the puffs I've known tend to be more companion-type in their personalities.

    Are they generally good with little kids and other pets if raised and socialized well?

    My Zhi is fantastic with the kids, but mine are very dog savvy.  Think of a terrier with the body type of an Italian Greyhound.  I'd have the same reservations about the physical limitations of a crestie, that I would with placing an Iggy in a household with little kids.  Zhi is highly breakable - she's gotten hurt pretty badly before just wrestling or running with the Border Collies.  Their skin is incredibly fragile - just turning aside to avoid careless running or tumbles could cause a collision that can flay a hole requiring immediate (and expensive) medical attention.  The range of personalities in the breed includes dogs that are good with other dogs, and dogs that are like my Zhi, absolutely perfect.  Some of it is doing your homework and asking around about the kind of personalities that run in the family of the kennel you are considering.  Or, you can go with a rescue that has been fostered and evaluated for the dog's comfort level around little kids and other pets.

    What are their personalitys like?

    How long is a string?  Crestie personalities run the full gamut of dog personalities.  You can get really shy dogs up to reall bossy and obnoxious dogs.  I've seen some ill-bred litters where they had both, plus nice in-between dogs suitable more most companion homes.  As I said above, if you have a particular need, it's best to get immersed in the crestie world and find out what dogs you like and how they are bred.  Or else go with a rescue whose personality is already a known factor. 

    Here's Zhi.  She's a rescue but I know what lines she comes from.  It's fun to see her relatives continue to win shows all over the world.

    Ten weeks old:

    Playing tug with one of my Border Collies:

    At a flyball tourney - very interested! 

    "Let me go mom!"

    "Let's play!"

    Shaved down, showing off her polka dots

    "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful." 

    Clothing is a must.  Haute coutre is optional.


    • Gold Top Dog

     I have been around a lot of these dogs, as I worked with two breeders. Everyone was right about the "hairy hairless vs. true hairless" thing. If you don't want to have to shave down your dog to make it look hairless, you'll want a true hairless. Show CCs tend to be "hairy hairless" and you can tell by how much furnishings the dog has - if they have tons of coat all the way down the neck to the shoulders, all over the legs and a big full tail - they likely have hair all over. I have seen some of the supposed hairless dogs not shaved and there isn't much hairless about them. IMO it isn't really correct for the breed but is one of those things that is popular because hairy hairless are prettier in the show ring.

     You can see examples of both here:

      The main thing I can say about them as far as negatives go is - they are very hard to housetrain and many people never get them 100% on it. Most of the Crested people I know use belly bands and diapers.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The lady who owns is my friend. Ego, the dog in the picture, is *really* like that, all the time. I know him, in his home. I've groomed his offspring. His son is showing, right now, as a specials dog. Gator is also a true hairless, with an incredible personality. Ego likes to lift his leg on me, LOL. Both of them are totally charming.


    Becca, I *love* the Zhi pictures. We do not see enough of her. I adore the polka dotted Cresties.  Of course, I might be partial to spotted dogs, LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gator is also a true hairless, with an incredible personality. Ego likes to lift his leg on me, LOL.

     LOL sounds like a Crested for sure.

    • Gold Top Dog

    They've got attitude running out of their ears! I love it:)


    Of course, I live with a PRT, LOL. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I thought I asked this but I guess not...What products are required to keep their skin healthy and how often do you have to apply it (brands of lotions, sunscreen ect.)?


    • Gold Top Dog

    My friend doesn't use sunscreen on her dogs. What you'd use would depend on the individual, of course, but she likes using extra light olive oil about once a week on the hairless dogs' skin. Products for skin and coat would depend on whether or not the dog had skin problems, and whether or not the dog was being shown. Show grooming is pretty intense, with 5 or 6 products being used. Pet grooming? A good quality shampoo and conditioner, followed by moisturizer for a hairless and they're good to go.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I use a light lotion that is lanolin-free, for after bathing and shaving.  My current favorite is my own favorite, Banana Boat's Hemp - I just have a lot of it around.  For Zhi, she's not terribly sensitive and anything that doesn't contain lanolin is fine, so I just use what's on hand.  I include a lot of fish oil and vitamin E in her diet, and I think that helps a lot with keeping her skin healthy and not really needing a lot of extra products to stay conditioned and acne free.  Either that or I really lucked out on the genetic lottery.

    On the other hand, heavy-duty sunscreen is a must for Zhi.  I even have a wardrobe of t-shirts for her to wear, even in summertime, to keep the sun off most of her.  The only time I've seen any of the "typical" hairless problems on Zhi is when I carelessly let her get sunburnt.

    Again, I look for something lanolin-free, and waterproof since we swim frequently.  No more than SPF 15, and I just re-apply every so often - although I do use Bullfrog stick on her nose (I keep it in my handbag at all times when we are out - for me and her!).