Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
St. Bernards
Where can I find info on the breed St. Bernard? I've always been interested on how the breed looks (that and my dad is obsessed with them) and I'm considering getting one in the future.. Probably when we get our Dane puppy.. Any advice would be great! Links also would be welcome! Thanks!
Is my dog a beagle HELP!!
HI can anyone help me, i brought a puppy Daisy and i love her to bits, but i am worried she is not a beagle and is in fact a fox hound, i have got the paper work for her but she very long and not chunky like a beagle, she is only 7 months so maybe im over reacting but look at my photo of her and could...
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Black Mouth Cur
Not many people have heard of this breed, but I have an 8 month old Black Mouth Cur. She (Lacy) and her full brother (Zach) were given to me about 8 months ago, and I absolutely loved them both. Sadly, I lost the male dog (Zach) to my sister's German Shepherd. For those of you who do know this breed...
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What breed is this poof ball???(Video) It looks like a little bear...
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I've been curious for a while now about the beagle. I've read up on them and in the future I plan on buying a puppy (not for a long time) and I was wondering what is the general price for a buying a puppy from a good breeder. Also what are the general health problems I should look out for. As...
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Breed Help
Ive had my dog for about 9-10 years. she was a stray who we took in and no-one claimed. she looks kinda like a cairn terrier but im not exactly sure. any help on what breed she is will be appreciated =]
What breed is this shelter dog?
I'll tell you later what they call her, and she very well might be, I'm just curious if you guys see it, if that's what she actually is. Her litter's up for adoption, and BOY are they cute.. I'll post the picture of them in a bit too.
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Papillon pedigrees and how to read?
Having just found Rascal's AKC pedigree, I'm curious as to whether or not any of the names in his family tree are famous or interesting or well-known dogs. Anyone know? A quick google search didn't turn up much. He's out of Cookie in Paradise and Adam's Paradise (sire). Adam is out...
Help with guessing the breed! (image heavy)
26 pounds, 2 year old female. Docked tail with front dewclaws done (no back dewclaws). Pure black coat with no undercoat, black spots on tongue, body well muscled with good tuck up, skinny legs with well padded round feet. Very high energy. Very fast runner, lives to run! Fast learner, independent at...
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Breed Advice for Next Dog
We aren't going to be getting another dog until next year sometime, but I just wanted to get some advice. We want to get a puppy, and we may get one from a breeder, but realistically we will probably end up with a shelter or rescue dog. A well bred dog with a health guarantee has a lot of appeal...
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My brother is interested in getting a bloodhound for actual tracking/hunting. He's wondering how much one would cost, one bred for this purpose (doesn't need perfect conformation). He insists he wants a puppy. I told him I have no idea how much they are or how hard they are to find. My brother...
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Thoughts? Comments? Experience? May be rescuing one this week .... won't know until probably tomorrow for sure. But anyway... just wanted to know your thoughts... and please no byb/designer dog bashing.... I agree that they shouldn't be bred on purpose but what's done is done and this little...
Black Pommies
Any Black Pommies out there ?????
GSD Movement Again (VIDEO!!)
The German Shepherd Dog's movement is described in detail in both the SV and AKC standard. Faults of gait are serious faults. Finding the GSD with "that movement" is something every breeder strives for, no matter the line. This is a video of a dog from the 80's who is the epitome...
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Identifying Breed(s)
I need some help identifying my dog's breed(s). It's weird that I don't know. I just want opinions. THANKS! [IMG][/IMG]
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HELP! Good Beginner Dog For These Conditions?
My apologies if this is in the wrong place! I'm new here! This is a very specific thread, so those who are experienced dog owners would be best in answering this. I live in a very bad part of town, with soon to be only my dad and myself, and lately, my dad and I have been entertaining the thought...
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what about this breeder? (ridgebeack)
I posted this on a doberman forum, but noone has answered. I have spoken to her, and she was extremely nice and VERY helpful. She also gave me the names of some breeders she recommended. what do you guys think?
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Are miniature pinschers hard to house train?
I hope to not offend anyone with this question. If I do, let me apologize in advance. A friend recently bought a min pin puppy and seems to having very little trouble house training it. Would you guys say one breed is more prone to difficulty in this area than others? In comparison to some other breeds...
A good breed for my lifestyle...
Hello, I just joined this forum a couple minutes ago because for the past couple years I have been considering a dog. The only problem is I'm not sure if I'm the type of person who could own a dog. I am not a very active person. As you can tell by my user name I am a musician and spend most of...
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What breeds typically have pigmented gums?
Sometimes I feel like such an idiot. I really didn't know what certain BREEDS had pigmented gums, I guess I just thought it was a dog-specific thing. Come to find out it's pretty breed-related. Cherokee gums are mostly black, little splotches of pink. I've spent 8 years guessing at breeds...
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