Help with guessing the breed! (image heavy)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Help with guessing the breed! (image heavy)

    26 pounds, 2 year old female. Docked tail with front dewclaws done (no back dewclaws). Pure black coat with no undercoat, black spots on tongue, body well muscled with good tuck up, skinny legs with well padded round feet. Very high energy. Very fast runner, lives to run!  Fast learner, independent at times but with good recall. Can be fear aggressive toward strangers but very sweet and polite at home.

    I got Martini at a local humane society as a skinny 1year old pup. She was brought in by people who rescued her from being shot by her owner! With training and exercise she gained some confidance and is now not as aggressive. She can be let off leash at a local park with no problems. She seems to trail (nose to the ground) a lot when we go hiking. But her favorite thing to do is run free like the wind. During summer I take her for a 5 mile bike ride every day and it still is not enough for this little girl. People sometimes comment on how fast she is.

    She seems to be a cross between no more than two breeds. Tell me what you all think she is mixed with. All comments and advice is appreciated. Thanks for your help!






     My cousin with Martini











     Martini and Boris




    scan0014.jpg picture by nataliem_09

    • Gold Top Dog

    She really reminds me of a German pinscher, though that's pretty unlikely. 

    Like these guys

    Maybe a Min Pin mix?  Hmm...  She's a cutie, whatever she is!


    • Gold Top Dog

    I too thought that she looks a lot like the German Pinscher but we are in MN and I think they are rare here. The shelter I got her from told me she was a Min Pin/ Black Lab mix. But I don't think the breeding is possible due to their size differance. Maybe Min Pin and a slightly larger black terrier?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think she definately had a purebred Min Pin mom due to her being docked and dewclawed at birth.

    • Gold Top Dog

    There are some shots where her ears remind me of Dachshund ears.  There's something houndy about her.  Obviously, something a bit more long-legged in there, too:-))   

    • Gold Top Dog

    The second pic does make her look Dachsundy but it's only because it was taken from the top exagerating her body lenght and making her legs appear shorter.

    I have a silly question. Is it possible for a small breed like Min Pin to have puppies with a large breed like a Lab?

    • Gold Top Dog


    I too thought that she looks a lot like the German Pinscher but we are in MN and I think they are rare here. The shelter I got her from told me she was a Min Pin/ Black Lab mix. But I don't think the breeding is possible due to their size differance. Maybe Min Pin and a slightly larger black terrier?

    She doesn't look like a lab mix to me, but the breeding is more than possible. Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

    I always thought that small breeds like say chihuhua and large breeds like great dane are unable to breed with each other (only maybe by artificial insemination) due to the huge size differance.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It is definitely possible for a Min Pin male to breed to a Lab bitch.  She might lie down or he might stand on a foot stool.  Don't laugh--I have heard of it more than once!

    I agree with the "Weiner Pin" mix.  Hmmm...a new designer breed?  LOL Seriously, this is one cute kid! 


    • Gold Top Dog

    I guess it is possible with a foot stool Embarrassed, but that's in the case of male being the smaller breed, but how about male being the larger breed?

    Martini must have had a purebred Min Pin for a mother, I'm sure of that because why would she have her tail and dewclaws done like a Min Pin then? It's the dad who is the mistery. He must have been all black and larger than Min Pin due to Martini being way over Min Pin size(she's 26 pounds), she is also missing the Min Pin rust markings.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My guess is that it was an accidental breeding female being a Min Pin. The owners thought that the pups being very small and black at birth thought that they looked like purebred Min Pins so they did their tails and dewclaws, but as time passed the pups grew bigger than their mom and were given away as mutts. I know silly story but it makes sense.

    • Gold Top Dog

    i think some people just dock to dock. My friend has a rott/lab mix that has been docked. He is not purebred, and i don't think he was mistaken for one. Martini is a cutie, by the way.

    • Gold Top Dog
    My first thought was Dachshund/Lab/Beagle. Although it can be soooo hard to guess mixed breeds. In one thread on another board the administrator posted pics of known mixes and we all tried to guess which breeds. Most of them you would have never guess the mixes in a million years! lol It was really interesting!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for all your opinions. I wonder why people think that she has a Dachshund in her.  It must be the pictures because she looks nothing like a Dachshund in real life. Most people we meet think that she's a Lab mixed with a smaller terrier but not a Dachshund. We have a lot of black Labs and black Lab mixes round here! ..... Is the double coat of a black Lab a dominant trait? She doesn't have a double coat.

    Here's a few more pics of her

    Here is Martini when we first brought her home. She was skinny and looked bad.


    • Bronze

    Almost everything about her reminds me of my girlfriend's Min Pin with the absence of rust markings and her larger size.  I can see where people might assume there is some dachshund in her because Min Pin's faces and coloring really resembles that of short-haired dachshunds.  I do see the possibility of lab or some other retreiver, but it is very hard to determine mixed breeds just by looks.