Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
What breed suits me?
I am going to be getting a puppy sometime next fall and I want to have PLENTY of time to research and find the breed right for me, and find a good breeder (most rescues and shelters around me require you to be 18 to adopt, and I'm not 18 yet so that is out of the question). I'm living with my...
What breed is this dog?
This whole thing is bizarre but I am hoping you guys can at least help me figure out this dogs breed. Last night as my sister and her family were leaving boy scouts they found a dog running around the parking lot. The dog was very friendly and came over to my sister. She saw it had a collar with tags...
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Pre-loved Dalmatians
Hi there, I'm thinking of adopting an 8 year old dalmatian who I currently have on a one month trial to see if she fits with me. Some questions I have for the dalmatian savvy... How can I encourage her to be a good guard dog? She doesn't seem to want to bark, it this typical dal stuff or...
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hello. i am not expert at dogs i thought if u people could help me out. i have dog named doddy..he is 4.5 years old , long coat and wieghs 37-40 kg(weight is some what differnt as he gains more wieght in wintr). is he pure...? he is unpedigreed and ya.....he has five fingers in the rear...
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what type of dog is this?
This is my sister's dog who she got from a shelter while she lived on Oahu, HI. And we've been debating what mix she is, so I just thought I'd like to see what you all think. I have my thoughts, and my sister has hers, so we'll see what you all think! [IMG]http://i169.photobucket...
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What breed am I?
what breed am I? I'm 50 pounds with tiger stripes and 19"s tall.
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Looking for the right Dog
My husband and I have a 5 year old tabby and we are not entertaining the thoughts of getting a dog. My husband is retired and I work part time. We are looking for a good natured dog, doesn't matter if he is large or medium. Want to make sure the dog will get along with our cat as he was here first...
rwbeagles-Is your dog's temperament, typical...
Of it's breed? read on... What temperament do you consider typical for your dog's breed(s)? Is your dog's temperament representative/typical according to your description above? If does it differ? Would you characterize the differences as positive or negative within...
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Advice on Doberman rescue
I am comtemplating adopting a 1.5 year old male doberman. I have never owned a doberman before. I have owned a Siberian Husky, Husky/Shepherd mix, and currently have a 2 year old Newfoundland & two cats. I will be going to meet this dog at an adoption event at a pet store this Sunday. He is currently...
Need some advice on this breed.
I'm not a first time owner but am a first time owner with two young kids. I am looking for a puppy that will do well with a 5 and 2 year old. I have had a golden retriever and samoyed both were awsome. With my nephews, I found this one can someone tell me the breed or mix or some idea. [IMG]http...
Neopolitan Mastiff...
Anyone have any tips or major necessities for this breed? There is one at the shelter I'm interning at that I'm thinking about adopting... pending a temperament test and meeting my dogs of course... just trying to get more info before I set my heart on the big lug!
Border Collie male or female?
Ok since I havent had any luck with aussies wanting to be toy/play driven I have been thinking about getting a BC. I like female dogs for the most part but was wondering if a male would be better to get than a female? I am also thinking of going through a rescue so what should I look for? I want a dog...
Dog with blue eyes
How striking is this guy's eyes. I've never seen a GSD or GSD mix with eyes like that! [IMG][/IMG] More of this guy here,
Any Schnauzer owners here?
We have just acquired a schnauzer. What do I expect? Will he get along with our almost 4 lb chihuahua puppy?
Breed Stereotypes
Edit: Wow - just realized this might be in the wrong section. Sorry, please move if necessary. Just wondering, for those who have purebreds/mixed breeds whose breeds are known....what are the stereotypes/misconceptions about your breeds? Do you believe there is truth to those assumptions to some...
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Chow Shepherd
I got a puppy from the animal shelter about two months ago and at the time she was identified as a chow shepherd mix. I was just wondering how big I can expect her to get. She's growing like a weed and I'm just wondering if she'll be a big dog or this growth spurt will slow down and she'll...
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Hackney gait...
Are there any other breeds besides Min Pins that have hackney gait? The reason I ask is because my dog does the funny high stepping walk more often than not and I wonder if it's the Min Pin part of her or is it something that comes from the dog's personal walking style and has nothing to do with...
learned something new, so my day wasnt totally waisted lol i didnt know there were different types.. found out accidentally while looking around the hunting forum.. it seems there is some controversy and maybe a bit of mud slinging on both sides.... but i dont know enough about the breed to say one way...
German Shorthair Pointers
Does anyone know if these dogs are generally good with other pets (for example, cats?)? I'm considering adopting one, but I don't know if the breed will fit into my household. Also, how easily do they house-train, crate train, and flat out train in general? Are they prone to certain diseases...
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Great Pyrenees anyone?
I am a new Pyr owner,reading all i can about the breed and would love to talk with pyr owners.
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