Any Schnauzer owners here?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any Schnauzer owners here?

     We have just acquired a schnauzer.  What do  I expect?  Will he get along with our almost 4 lb chihuahua puppy?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Schnauzer owner/family of breeder here.

    With a Mini, you should expect a happy, confident, social dog. They LOVE being with their people. They tend to be avid hunters, so watch your little one outside! They should be very playful, and active as pups, but as they grow they are a dog that very much matches their activity level to yours. So if you laze around all day, that's fine with them. If you go camping for the weekend and go on a 5-mile trek, that's what they love too. They LOVE to learn, and are very intelligent dogs. One of the more intelligent breeds I've worked with. They are not a "typical terrier". They can be natural watchdog barkers, so hopefully you don't mind somebody alerting you if something seems off.

    As for the Chi, it just depends on how you raise them together really. If your Chi treats the pup kindly and with respect, then the pup will likely grow up to really like the Chi. If the Chi doesn't like other dogs and frightens your new pup, it could lead to future problems. Our home currently consists of 12 Mini Schnauzers, a 7 lb Shih Tzu mix and a 5 lb Papillon. They all get along fabulously. It all comes down to how you raise them together, supervising play times, not letting the Chi scare/hurt the Mini, and not letting the Mini harass/bully/bother the Chi all the time, if it thinks that is a game.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the good advice!  Our chi is much smaller than the new schnauzer.  So far, they seem to be getting along fine.  I was afraid the schnauzer would hurt the chi since the schnauzer is much sturdier than the chi.  Currently, we are also baby sitting our son's family chiweinie  (chi/doxie) and this puppy is about the same age as the schnauzer.  They are really getting along!    I agree, the schnauzer is probably the smartest dog I have ever been around.  He learns very quickly and it very easy going.  I am going need to learn how to groom. Thanks for responding.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I own a 7 y/o Giant but I am new to Schnauzers as well so I cant tell you much. Im still trying to find out if Stripping thier fur off is nessicary or not. lol

    Good luck with you new 'nauzer :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have been reading about schnauzer grooming in a lot of websites.  (I "googled it";) I have found a lot instruction on how to groom and many have not mentioned stripping.  I think that would apply to dogs with heavy coats.  Ours has a a fairly light, curly coat and since it is winter, I am not going to give the "hair cut" until it warms up.  I have trimmed around the face to clean him a little.  One website shared that thinning scissors should be used.  I liked this idea because the stripping appeared to require some practice and technique--I am afraid unless I knew more about it, I would make a big mess.  One site also described stripping as "plucking".  I would want our dog to get used to and like being groomed.  Stripping seems like it would be uncomfortable.  IMO 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've got  Mini that will be a year old next week.  He's a handful and a half sometimes (especially when he digs in the trash and spreads it throughout the house), but he's a real sweetheart the rest of the time.  Right now he's sleeping on my foot.  :-)

     As for hand-stripping... from what I understand, that's only necessary if he's a show dog.  Pets don't require it.  I've done both to Buckel, and once he would sit still, he didn't mind the stripping, but we did need to take frequent breaks, because he's got lots of energy.  It goes a lot quicker to just shave, and since he's just a pet for me, I don't mind that it makes his hair softer.  But if he's a show dog, apparently shaving "ruins" their coat.  Who knows!  I just recently shaved him, because he was starting to blow his topcoat, and since his undercoat is almost white, and his topcoat nearly black, he looked ridiculous.  I was worried that he would freeze this winter, but I was reassured by others on this site that he would be okay.  He is inside most of the time, but when we go out for long walks, or if it's raining or snowing, I have a little fleece "sweater" he wears, just in case.  Personally, I don't like the regular Schauzer cut, so exept for his face, Buckel is all one length.  I also shave his ears and keep his "moustache" and "eyebrows" pretty short.  I think he's much cuter that way, but I'm probably pretty biased!  Look at my avatar picture to see what he looks like after his most recent shave.

     Hope that all made sense.  Enjoy your new Schnauzer!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks, Im glad I dont have to strip him now. Boy would that be a chore. Hehe.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think I like our Schnauzer more and more.  He is very gentle.   

    • Gold Top Dog


    I think I like our Schnauzer more and more.  He is very gentle.   

    Good, I'm glad he's being gentle for you.  Buckel was super gentle and calm at first, but he sure turned into a little fireball!  Just make sure that if yours starts getting more fiesty, you keep the rules firmly in place, otherwise he will be happy to walk all over you!

    • Gold Top Dog
       Yes, our schnauzer has been getting rather fiesty lately.  He has had to be reprimanded a few times.  He sure acts broken-hearted when he gets in trouble.  He learns very fast.  What a wonderful little dog.  I wish I had time to teach him lots of stuff.  I bet he would make a wonderful show dog for obedience displays.  I feel like I going to waste his excellent qualities.  He sure is stout--reminds me of an army tank compared to our quick footed, 4 lb chihuahua puppy.  They have become best buds and I have to break up wrestling contests because "the tank" doesn't know his own strength sometimes.