Hackney gait...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hackney gait...

    Are there any other breeds besides Min Pins that have hackney gait?  The reason I ask is because my dog does the funny high stepping walk more often than not and I wonder if it's the Min Pin part of her or is it something that comes from the dog's personal walking style and has nothing to do with the breed?

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's probally the min pin in her. I had watched a dog show on tv a couple of months ago and it was actually the first time I saw a min pin walk like that. I didnt know they did that. So I got on the internet and looked up min pins and their supposed to have that gait.I thought that was pretty neat. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    IIRC, it used to be correct for IGs to do it but the breed standard has been changed to reflect a more natural gait. It's mentioned in a number of breed standards as a fault, though. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think German Pinschers have a hackneyed gait, but I may be mistaken.