Chow Shepherd

    • Bronze

    Chow Shepherd

    I got a puppy from the animal shelter about two months ago and at the time she was identified as a chow shepherd mix.  I was just wondering how big I can expect her to get.  She's growing like a weed and I'm just wondering if she'll be a big dog or this growth spurt will slow down and she'll be more medium sized.


    • Gold Top Dog

     she's a cute puppy :) but right now its too soon to tell what she could be a mix of. do you have any recent pics of her?

    • Gold Top Dog

    it's too hard to tell at this time...really.

    if her breeds are correct, she could be anywhere from 40-70 lbs. Did they know the parents? or are they just guessing. we've had a few litters where we acutally knew at least momma, and could give adopters a better idea that way.

    ETA: when she is about 6 months old - you can double her size and get a close-to-accurate idea of how big she'll be

    • Gold Top Dog


    ETA: when she is about 6 months old - you can double her size and get a close-to-accurate idea of how big she'll be

    I've always heard 4 months, or even 14 weeks. Huh?

    • Bronze

    I wish I had a more recent picture but I don't.  She has gone from 3lbs to about 20-25lbs in 2 months though.  Her fur has settled down a bit but its still fluffy, mostly straight, but goes kinky when I give her a bath.  Also her ears have changed, one is starting to stand up straight, when she feels like it, and the other seems to want to stay floppy (I think that's probably a mixed breed issue).  Her nose is also longer, very shepherdish, and her chin is black and she's got a touch of white on her breast.  She has also developed a widows peak between the eyes because her face is lighter than the top of her head and back.  She's also getting kind of stocky as if she's going to be big boned or something.

     My parents have only ever owned purebreeds so this whole mixed breed thing is a whole new experience for me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If it helps Willow is a pure chow and about 50 lbs.  Chows can be anywhere from 37 to about 70 or so lbs. 

    • Gold Top Dog


      Also her ears have changed, one is starting to stand up straight, when she feels like it, and the other seems to want to stay floppy (I think that's probably a mixed breed issue).



    How old is she?  Most shepherd pups ears go up and then drop once or twice, typically during teething.  Even some purebred shepherds need help getting their ears up permanently.  Chewing helps a lot, but some people have to use breath-right strips in the ears or tape the ears.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am currently fostering what the rescue organization is calling a Chow/Flat Coated Retriever mix.  She is full grown and weighs 40lbs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a Husky/Chow mix......but, he was neutered before any of his jewels dropped, that made him a tad taller and heavier....he weighs about 67lbs right now.....but the markings of a Husky are there, also the tongue is a dead give away....spotted on top, blue underneath....and the coat is just wild........

    • Gold Top Dog

    I find the best way to determine how big your dog will be is by the size of their paw.  Chows are very big, height wise, but I'm not sure about weight wise, and GS do get tall, but they don't usually get real heavy!  I mean, they can, but they're usually a lean kind of dog.  You can always research on the web under both breeds to get an idea, but I'm sure people here will have answers for you.

    Your puppy is ADORABLE!!!!

    • Puppy

    She's so sweet! I have a chow/GSD/pit mix and she stays right around 50-55 lbs most of the time. She's my little dog, but has a really big heart! Her "job" that she decided on is to lay on the back of the couch and look out the front window to alert us when anyone drives or walks by. She is definitely got the protective aspects!