Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Okay, So I hope I'm not making anyone mad with all my breed questions but I've recently discovered how BEAUTIFUL Collies are! I need all the information I can get because I have fallen in love with them! I've read many things on how there excellent family dogs and I would love as much information...
Help find the breed for my family..
I'm looking for a breed I can do agility full time with, high energy but not insanely high as in it needs to run for a LONG time just to be tired. Not a lot of grooming required and very friendly with other dogs and cats. I'm looking into the Border Collie but I'm not to sure yet. BF is adopting...
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Wanna guess what breeds these are?
I know what they are but wanna see how many of you get close. I finally figured out how to upload pics so my turn on the guess a breed chain. Their all from the same litter.
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Long-Coat Chihuahuas
Hi, does anyone out there love long-coat chi's as much as me?
Any rare doggies out there? (purebred)
Anyone have a rare dog? Example: My groomer has a South African Boerboel. If you have a rare dog, please post pics! I love to see them!
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least favorite?
Here's a twist on a commonly asked question - what is your least favorite dog breed? This is meant to be all in fun, not meant for anyone to take offense [ ]
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Papillon ear question
Okay, so this is kind of a silly question, but I just can't help myself anymore... how fragile are erect papillon ears? Like, if I'm being a dork and flatten them to his head to make him look like a rat and I do it too many times will that weaken the cartilage and make his ears droopy? When he...
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What an unusual looking dog!
As I was preparing ads for the local newspaper, I came across the ad for our local shelter. This poor pup was found as a stray. I thought he was just gorgeous, but where did that stripe down his back & head come from? Such a unique pup, hope his owners claim him (her?)
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Question on Toy Poodles in the Ring?
How come some Toy Poodles (when being shown) have hair all over there bodies and others have it just shaved so its over there joints. I know that the Joint shave was originally done to keep there joints warm but now I'm seeing the full body haired ones. Can someone help please, I'm very curious...
German Shepherds
I have a couple of questions that I would love to have answered if possible please. 1. My 22 month old shepherd tail never stops wagging. Ever time I turn around its moving is this a German shepherd thing or is just her? 2. I have never heard Sky growl once not even a playful growl. Is it the nature...
rwbeagles-Real life Snoopy markings-Updated
A member (scrubsfiend I think) asked a while ago, if Snoopy's markings were possible IRL. I answered yes...but it's not common. Well this Beagler has one! Look at the interesting no? I am fascinated to see how this hound looks at it matures! http://www.irishcoffeybeagles...
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Samoyed or American Eskimo?
Okay, these are two breeds that I can NEVER tell apart. What's the difference between them? They look EXACTLY the same to me, except for the variation is sizes for the American Eskimo.
American Bulldog Lovers!
Hey, I have a hundred pound, American Bulldog (Jaba is his name), and he is the cutest. I will work on getting pictures, but for all of you who have met or own one of these amazing dogs, post pics and videos!
Pitbulls in Cali?
Is it true that all Pitbulls have been banned from California? My friend told that they have been and I just wanted to confirm it. If so I can't believe it! I'm so sick of all this Pitbull discrimination! Its the owners fault that some of them are mean, not the dogs.
Is this a pure breed GSD?
Can anyone tell if this is a pure breed German Shepherd? Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
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italian greyhounds anyone?
I think they are the funniest little dogs! They always seem so happy, and look like a little cartoon :]. I was playing with one while voulenteering at a shelter. She is the funniest little thing, I want to own one one day when I have time to deal with all their energy. hehe Does anyone have one.....
what breed mix is this?
Its a puppy but I don't know how old. Supposedly she will remain small.
for Bulldog Breed Enthusiasts
Vintage Bulldog breed book that you can read online! was sent to me from another forum..... love looking at these things. only wish i had it all to myself!! and check out the vintage adverts ETA having explored more of the pages i've discovered a major flaw.. two actually.. one you'll probably...
Any Flat-Coat Lovers Here?
Hi Everyone, I'm new to these forums and have a 7 1/2 year-old Golden and a 12 1/2 month-old Flat-Coat. Gauge, my FCR is the first dog I've become involved in conformation with. We also compete in obedience and will eventually compete in agility when Gauge is old enough. We have already started...
GSD's-German vs American lines
I have been considering adding a GSD to my family possibly this coming fall at the earliest. I spend alot of time out in the country horseback riding and would love to have a GSD to keep my border collie and I company. Through some research, I have determined that this breed would work well in my situation...