Is my dog part pitbull???

    • Bronze

    Is my dog part pitbull???

     I just adopted this guy last night and was told he's a welsh corgi mix?  So far everyone who has seen him has commented that he looks like a pitbull?  Can anyone help me out?  Let me know what you guys think

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think he does look like he has some pit in him... 

    • Gold Top Dog
    From that picture, definately pit- and I don't see much (if any) corgi.
    • Gold Top Dog

     Yes, definitely I see pit. Maybe all pit (it's hard to tell from the pictures what the body type is like). What made anyone say corgi?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I do see a tiny amount of corgi in that face but a large amt of pit as well. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Oh I think so!

    Congrats and welcome to the pit bull family. My pit was adopted to me by one of Boston's most reputable shelters as a "beagle mix", so feel free to ping me if you have any questions.

    They are awesome dogs, and there are a ton of bully breed people on the forum that can answer any questions you may have. Basically, when I figured out what Rosco was I just started reading everything I could and now he is one of those dogs that changes people's opinions about what pit bulls are.

    I bet your dog will do the same with that cute face and huge smile!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a client with a corgi/pittie mix and it looks a heck of a lot like your guy! Congrats you have a wonderful looking dog. I am a huge American Pit Bull Terrier advocate as are many other members here on the forum. Pit Bull-2 words will soon be a source of pride for you.......wether you want it or not, lol they just have a way of worming their way into hearts!

    • Gold Top Dog

    you've got yourself one cute little pibble mix there! I don't see corgi... my dog is corgi mix, large ears, stubby legs, etc.

    What is her personality like? Corgi's are herding dogs - and (as my dog never fails to do...) the love to run circles around other animals, and they LOVE LOVE LOVE to talk to you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've seen pitbulls with that color, so he could have some in him.  He's beautiful!

    • Gold Top Dog
    I definitely see Pitbull! Cute though, I have a true love for Pittys :)
    • Bronze

    Often shelters euthanise (sp) all pitties.  So sometimes they claim pit bulls that have good temperments and a good chance being homed "mixes" of some other breeds to avoid this.  Good, that they are trying to help that individual dog, however rather unfair at the same time.  As a potential adoppter may get get the "Corgi mix" and expect those traits then end up with, well a Pittie, which is night and day from a Corgi, not bad just different.  Then the dog may well end up back in the shelter.