What an unusual looking dog!

    • Gold Top Dog

    What an unusual looking dog!

    As I was preparing ads for the local newspaper, I came across the ad for our local shelter. This poor pup was found as a stray. I thought he was just gorgeous, but where did that stripe down his back & head come from?
    Such a unique pup, hope his owners claim him (her?)



    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, that is really unique!! No clues where it came from.

    • Gold Top Dog

    wow Indifferent  i want one like that!!!!!


    markings could be a mastiff type. tail looks like husky/shepherd or chow.. MAYBE a coydog..... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks kind of scary to me!  Maybe it is the colour of him or the yellowey eyes!  I am sure it would be a nice dog in person, but that picture freaks me out lol

    no offence..

    • Gold Top Dog


    He looks kind of scary to me!  Maybe it is the colour of him or the yellowey eyes!  I am sure it would be a nice dog in person, but that picture freaks me out lol

    no offence..

    LOL! No offense at all! Ironically, a few of us at work were checking out this dog and the Yorkie owner that is scared of big dogs thought he looked sweet and sad... the Great Dane owner thought he looked mean and scary LOL!

    I think he's (she?) looks intense. In fact, I could just about guarantee that the person holding the camera is holding out a treat, because Lucy looks *exactly* like that if I try to bait her for a photo.
    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks like an akita - something cross to me... But he is unique, completely something else!
    I'd claim him/her... Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    He does look a little scary.  My husband says he looks like he's been living outside in someone's junk yard. LOL  He's got the prettiest color and the stripe is unique.  He might be scary, but he's pretty.  Ok, I'm not sure what the name is exactly, so bare with me.  African Ridgeback???  They have a stripe that goes down their back.  This is the only dog I'm familiar w/ that his this, and that's because I just saw a pic of one here a couple days ago. 
    They're usually a brown color, but he could be mixed, or they could come in different colors, just don't know that much about them, other than they're used to hunt lions.  LOL 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Akita x Shar Pei...willing to bet money on it. The dorsal stripe black over-laying fawn, is a common coloration with Akitas and he has the "hippo" mouth, of a Shar pei.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Akita x Shar Pei...willing to bet money on it. The dorsal stripe black over-laying fawn, is a common coloration with Akitas and he has the "hippo" mouth, of a Shar pei.

    Aha! I didn't know that Akitas had dorsal stripes! The tail throws me though. maybe there's some shepherd in there. I'd imagine a full akita/Shar Pei cross would have a curled tail.

     Ah well! He's a purty one. Hopefully he'll find his owners.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He may well have a curled tail...MANY Akitas drop their tails when unsure or not in motion/gaiting. It does curl...I can tell by the bit at the end...it's probably a sickle or loose 1/4 curl.

    One of my Akitas from back in the day had almost identical coloring...very striking...

    • Gold Top Dog

     Very cute, but looks like a Shar-pei too me. The build, the ears, color and the thick muzzle. Not sure about that tail though. Maybe a Shepherd?

    • Gold Top Dog

     There are things about him that remind me of an Anatolian Shepherd, or a Central Asian Ovcharka.  He has a Molosser type head and bod, Shar Pei-ish ears, and a brush tail - weird.  The color would be called dun if he were a horse.  He doesn't remind me at all of a Rhodesian Ridgeback - they are much more red, and the "stripe" is not just colored, it's a strip of hair that grows in reverse direction to the rest of the coat.  This guy seems to just have differently colored hair, but def not a ridge.  One thing for sure, he's unique!  The Anatolians are known to have light amber eyes. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love the coloring on him.  His markings remind me of my ferrets, especially his tail.  If my one ferret, Blade, was poofed into a dog that's what he would have looked like.Stick out tongue

    Won't even bother to guess at his breeding since I'm horrible at that sort of thing.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Akita x Shar Pei...willing to bet money on it. The dorsal stripe black over-laying fawn, is a common coloration with Akitas and he has the "hippo" mouth, of a Shar pei.

    That's what I was thinking, too, Gina.  I didn't know abvout Akitas and the dorsal stripe, tho.  Just something about the texture of the coat that made me think Akita.  It's weird, but his/her coloring almost looks like his/her sides were shaved/slipped. 


    • Gold Top Dog

    what ever.. can i have him?

