I need breed inspiration...(Infiniti)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, good luck, I don't really have any suggestions, since I'm not familiar w/ the thousands of breeds there are, but I just wanted to say how happy I was that a BC was a breed you would like!!  I don't know what the difference an adult BC would be as opposed to a puppy, since I hear stories that even the adults can be high energy, so I'm not sure if that would help you.  So, Good Luck in your search, and you just made me sooo happy!  lol  Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Janet - DH and I looooove BCs!  They are such phenomenal athletes and are incredibly intelligent.  DH and I would definitely enjoy a BC, but it's respect for the breed that is having us do serious research before bringing a BC into our lives.  Reading the suggestions in this thread has given us a lot to think about, especially AgileBasenji's suggestion about seeing how we feel about a more high-energy breed after Honor and I get into agility a bit more.  If it agility goes well for us, it would be a natural conduit for the energy of a BC, and one that we could all participate in together!

    It's so exciting, planning for a new addition to the family.  I'm just glad that I have this forum to turn to, in terms of selecting a possible breed.  Everyone's personal stories and experiences with different breeds has been incredibly helpful in determining what we're looking for in our new family member. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    We have two shelties and two papillons.  Shelties are really generally very shy dogs and honestly our shelties can usually care less about our papillons.  Paps are bold litlle guys and playful and both of mine are super high energy.  They wear the shelties down a lot.  Shelties are great dogs though and once ours got to know the new dogs they took right to them.  They shed a lot and they bark a LOT, though.

     I always hear how high energy shelties are and honestly, I don't really see where it comes from as they're probably the calmest dogs I've ever had.  Of course I've always had high energy breeds and I think my papillons could outlast a border collie.  (I know Beau can outlast my uncle's JRT)  That's probably the case, lol.  Shelties need exercise and mine love to run but they aren't too hyper, imo.  Both mine are old now though so they're really mellow.  Nikki jsut sleeps all day, lol.