American Bulldog Lovers!

    • Bronze

    American Bulldog Lovers!

    Hey, I have a hundred pound, American Bulldog (Jaba is his name), and he is the cutest.  I will work on getting pictures, but for all of you who have met or own one of these amazing dogs, post pics and videos! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi! Jaba is a cool name for an American Bulldog lol  i grew up with them off and on throughout my life. my grand parents owned a bunch of them and friends owned them, but i was never allowed to have one (my mom didnt want her insurance to go up.. she says) but as soon as i moved away from home and got married "Our First Dog"(as in mutually agreed upon) was an American Bulldog.

    Right now we have three. Two are mine and one is my cousin's. i'm dog sitting her two dogs, an Ambull and a Chihuahua...

    Old School circa 1970's and 80's American Bulldogs owned by my grandparents. AKA White English or Old Southern Whites. where i live now there are TONS of old southern whites.... i cant wait to someday get my hands on one... this is like going to Africa and choosing an authentic hunting Basenji from a village.. 



    The above pictures are of Bogart.. the son of the white bob tail in the back of the truck.. He died an old man back in the mid 1990's..  His mom was the reason i fell in love with the breed. she was such a "Mama dog".. she never let me out of her sight.


    And these are the dogs i have now.

    This is Ben Half American Bulldog and Half American Mastiff


    This Kaydee, our first bully


    And here is my cousins bull, Bo



    Nice to have another Bulldogger around here, there arent many with American Bulldogs Stick out tongue 

    • Gold Top Dog

    We had an American Bulldog puppy turned into us a few weeks ago, he got adopted today, The cutest thing I ever saw! Soo sweet and smart. Active little brat though!

    Picked up another one today... he's probably about 1-2 years.... horrible skin condition though, is that common in the breed? We think he was left outside all day, not well cared for... but he's the biggest mush ever, sooo sweet and loving. Smart too!

    • Gold Top Dog

    skin problems can be common with certain types of Ambulls. Johhn and hybrid types (meaning a Scott type(like Kaydee) crossed with Johnson.. which look like an EB the size of a Saint Bernard) my brother's friend who had an Ambull had to put his dog to sleep because he developed Red Mange.. so they told me.. i dont know much about red mange, not as much as i used to know anyway.. But a lot of times you'll find that a bulldog, of any type, as SUPER sensitive skin when it comes to chemicals, especially flea shampoo and topical stuff. Kaydee went berserk when i put front line on her. the moment it touched her she wouldnt stop scratching... so i washed it off as quickly as i could. But the next day she was still scratching and you could see where the chemicals went as i washed it off of her. her neck and shoulders were a disaster area... just from her scratching at the irritations. she also scratched at her face, which became swollen.. my guess is that she transferred the chemical to her face with her foot after scratching her shoulder... She looked like she had been in a fight and lost!! i was afraid to even walk her down my street. just what you want on the end of a leash.. a scabby faced, raw necked big bulldog.... now THAT'S being a good breed advocate! once it scabbed over she looked like a burn victim... We dont use any sprays or chemicals like that on her anymore... just flea powder, or a flea collar or Capstar if need be.. mostly just a good bath keeps her find and dandy. As long as you dont put any chemicals on her she's A-OK! now.. the other dogs? not a problem with flea killers. However there was one time, when we first got Ben, that he had something weird happen with his shoulder.. apparently there was an abscess  that we didnt see.. he was fine one day, but the next morning he looked like someone had shot him.. his shoulder was a mess from him scratching. once it healed we havent had another problem in that area.

    Soo.. yes.. i would say to keep an eye on that one. make sure it isnt mange or a chemical burn. Some people still think that burnt motor oil and sulfur is the only cure for mange.. and in the minds of these people.. ANY skin problem is mange... even if its an allergy to flea killers... its still mange. 

    you might also want to make sure his diet is up to snuff. they can have an allergy towards the corn in their food like many other dogs. i know you're limited with what you can do, but those are all factors. if their skin gets too dry then they'll scratch.

    I sure wish i could help out with this one!! but we already have three.. my husband would kill me if i brought home another bulldog lol 

    • Gold Top Dog

    my American bull dog's name is Tori and she is about 70lbs


    this is a video of her having some dreams....



     this is her at the dog run she is great with other dogs of all sizes, cats and kids! she is such a gentle giant


     this is her doing alil pose for me...she is sooo cute




    this is her in our back yard playing with a fisbee 










    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't have one but I am ABSOLUTELY HEAD OVER HEALS for the breed. They have such beautiful markings, i love there size, features, blocky shapes and bulldog attitude! They kind of remind me of Pitties. (which is probably why i love them so much!)
    • Gold Top Dog

    theyre a wee bit like pitties, but their attitudes towards biting is a bit different. pits shouldnt bite people, but American Bulldogs can, and will if they feel its necessary.. usually if they feel their owner or property is threatened.

    i already know my AB bitch would bite a person if i told her to.. she has a mysterious beginning. she acts for all the world like she was PROFESSIONALLY trained in personal protection Tongue Tied