Wanna guess what breeds these are?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wanna guess what breeds these are?

    I know what they are but wanna see how many of you get close.  I finally figured out how to upload pics so my turn on the guess a breed chain.

    Their all from the same litter. 




    • Gold Top Dog

    Ozzies or mixes of? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ozzies or mixes of? 

    I definate see Aussie in there.  Are we sure that they are mixes?

    • Gold Top Dog

    There the cutest darn breed there is - puppies, and I want all of them  Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    That's what the vet said when I took them to get their shots. But it was my first Aussie's litter and accidental one last year no thanks to dog sitter that was supposed to be watching her while I was on vacation. I know exactly what they are just want to see how many of u get close. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    accidental one last year

    Can we see some adult pictures then.  It's sometimes easier to determine the mix after they are grown up and fully differentiated. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Aussie X Rott? Aussie x Lab? Aussie x Collie?
    • Gold Top Dog

     I have one person that emails me pics of one of my pups. I dont know how to get them copied from my aol mail so here's the links.





    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, the two in that second pic look like GSDs, so I'll say GSD/Aussie.

    The new links don't work, it links into your own account.  If you want, forward me the pics and I'll upload them.  lar3@calvin.edu 

    • Gold Top Dog
    german shepherd/aussie
    • Gold Top Dog

    Last two are dead on!! I didnt think it would take long for someone to figure it out. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Those two black and tans are a dead give away, lol.  But it's interesting how the white and spotting is patterned on the others. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    They are edible, is what they are :)  Very cute!!

    I'd say German Shepherd/Aussie mix.  Looking forward to seeing how good my guessing is! 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I had kept the biggest one out of the litter. He had the velcroness of an Aussie and I didnt want to give any of them up and decided to keep him. If I had know 3 out of 4 people wouldnt have kept in contact with me for a little while I would have kept them all.Then someone actually stole him out of my yard one day when my husband had let him out to potty.So I have no pups out of that litter. Only one person writes and sends pictures.

    People always assumed they had rottie in them I guess because of the color. All 5 had been born with natural bobbed tails. The mom was a red mearle so I guess that's where Pirate and Camo (the spotted ones) got their color.

    I had named all of them and was very attached. I learned a lesson and will make sure dogs 6 months+ are really spayed when I get them. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    you cant tell from the pics that they dont have tails! haha.  very cute!  When i first saw the top picture, i almost thought it was a litter of black/tan and harlequin beaucerons!  I was like whoa someone else is getting one!