Help find the breed for my family..

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ah  Belgians..... they can be great,,,, they can be not so great.  Depending on the lines they can be bomb proof or fruit loops.  They are relatively rare when considering pure bred litter registrations. Malinois are dividing into to groups (which I absolutely hate); not so much the other varieties.  Belgians tend to be high drive and the thing that makes them different from shepherds or beucerons etc.  They are reactive.  These are speed of light kind of dogs.  Some of my favorite expressions regarding maligators:  they are like gsd's on crack;  they are like gsd's with a switchblade, they are looking for a reason to over react.

    There are four varieties of belgians.  They came into being about the same time as german shepherds.  They come froma similar region of Europe.  The varieties are named for the geographic locations most of the foundation stock originated.  They are long coated dogs (brown with black over lay, or black)  short coated fawn/red/brown dogs with black overlay, and wire coated (think terrier).  Tervurent, Groeendael, Malinois and Laekenois.

     It took me 20 some years to realize I was always looking for a belgian. They are not for everyone but they are truly incredible in the right homes.  Although easy to train (learn quickly) they are not easy to live with when you consider typical dog ownership.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I never even thought of a Belgian. The four names remind me of some Greek or Latin mythical creature. Lol. Something tells me I'm not ready for that breed yet but thanks, I've learned something new Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well a BC would definitely fit your description.  They don't shed that much, they are very smart, high energy, great w/ agility, and are very good w/ other animals and children.  I am truly a happy BC owner, I couldn't be prouder of how Misty has turned out thus far.  She's only 7mos. old and is a true joy to be around!  They even have BC rescues, which I really didn't even know about until after I got Misty, but that would be a great source to check out.  Good Luck!