German Shorthair Pointers

    • Gold Top Dog

    Update on Morrison getting along with the cat:

    DSC00217.jpg A Chair built for two picture by skimmelman

    What do you think?   Note that the cat was there first when Morrison decided he wanted to cuddle with him, he just pushed him out a little.  They were that way long enough for us to go get the camera and take several pictures.

    • Bronze

    WOO WOO!  It looks like things are going well for everyone concerned!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't have a GPS, but I have an English Pointer (close relative). 

    Pros:  In the house they are usually pretty mild mannered (especially if they've had a good run or agility session, etc.).  They are usually dog friendly and generally non-aggressive.  Very smart and easy to train because they are easily motivated.  They are bred to be people dogs.  They are gorgeous.

    Cons:   Pointers are high prey dogs and it might not be easy for them to differentiate a cat from a furry critter that is meant to be hunted.  Outside, they can be intensely focused on "whatever is out there" to hunt and will not hear, see or acknowledge you if they are zoned into prey.  They can run for miles.  They need lots of exercise. English Pointers have a bigger range than GSPs, but birddogs are built to spend the day in the fields - one way or the other.  If this energy need isn't met, you might create a frustrated, destructive dog.  Even though, they love you dearly and know exactly where you are on a walk through the woods, they aren't going to stay right by your side while hiking.  Constantly train for a great recall, and think about using an e-collar (train to response to a tone) for insurance if planning to do off-leash stuff.