what about this breeder? (ridgebeack)

    • Gold Top Dog

    what about this breeder? (ridgebeack)

    I posted this on a doberman forum, but noone has answered. I have spoken to her, and she was extremely nice and VERY helpful. She also gave me the names of some breeders she recommended. what do you guys think?


    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't tell much by looking at the website. In most cases (unless they're REALLY good and have a high integrity) they're going to put forth whatever makes them look good and hide what makes them not-so-good.

    When I was looking for a breeder (are you looking for a pup?), I researched the breed extensively with special interest in their medical issues and temperament problems. Then I developed a questionnaire based on that, that I sent to the breeders I found interesting. If there was any reluctance to answer my questions or any comments about me giving them the third degree, they were off the list.

    I also joined an all-breed board where I knew several high-quality breeders of GSDs were members. I asked for the board's help in finding a good breeder. Eventually, I got a personal recommendation from one of the breeders there who wasn't breeding at the time (that's the ideal way to find a good breeder - personal recommendation) and I sent her the questionnaire and that's the one I decided on.

    I know this doesn't exactly answer your question, but if you are looking for a breeder, I don't think you can tell by looking at a website.  Smile

    I'll PM you with some info. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    well she SEEMS wonderful, as i've asked her tons of questions. But, i have asked about other breeders on the doberman board and they've all been shot down. It's like they wont recommend anyone...

    there are honestly no good breeders around here for dobes.

    oh yeah, i'm looking for a puppy. I wont be getting her until like this time next year, but since they have such extensive health problems i'm trying to find a good, reputable breeder.

    really, i was just wondering if anyone else thought she looked like a good breeder. I liked her honestly in how her first litter was not good, and she has since learned a lot. But, i don't know... this has turned out to be quite stressful.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Megan, what are you looking for ina dobe?  ie. conformation, obedience, agility...

     I don't know anything about this breeder.  It looks like she is just starting out.  It appears that she does health testing,which is great. 

     I don't know which dobe board you're on, but I'll pm you the info on the one that I'm on, along with two of their members who I would trust to give you good advice on breeders.

    • Gold Top Dog

    i want her to participate in love on a leash with me. So definitely not a schutzhund breeder...i guess a show breeder is fine. I just want a stable, healthy dog with a great temperment. usually i would be interested in rescue, but with their health problems i don't want to risk it. i rescued a RR onetime and she died at 1.5 years...too much heartbreak. I had been on the dobermantalk forums. It seems like i have a hard time getting recommendations there, but the other info they have given me is fantastic.

    • Gold Top Dog

    That where I'm at as well!  I pm'd you names of a couple of members there who I think will be helpful to you.


    • Gold Top Dog

    thanks amanda!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't know Dobes, but I like that the dogs are getting health tested (OFAs and whatnot) and have good conformation.  I personally have high standards for breeders, but take it with a grain of salt since I'm almost exclusively interested in GSDs.  I would only consider a breeder whose dogs are also titled in one or more: agility, formal obedience, herding, SchH, SAR, tracking, or other international venues.  The dogs don't have to excel at everything, but I like to see dogs with a conformation title AND titles in at least one other sport (titles on both sides of the name).  I also prefer a breeder that questions me extensively and will pick the puppy for me, not let me come and pick a puppy just based on looks or only spending 1/2 hour with the litter once or twice.  I would also expect the breeder to willingly give me references so I could talk to those people about their experiences.  Oh, and any breeder who tells me their dog is perfect and can't simply and objectively point out faults/weaknesses I would not consider.  They would also have to tell me their very specific goals for breeding.  How is their line different from someone else's?  What are they breeding for?  For example, the other day I was looking at a GSD breeder who admittedly breeds towards the larger end of the standard because she likes heavy bone.  Now not everyone likes that, but I appreciate that kind of honest, specific answer.

    • Gold Top Dog
    As far as I can tell, she's doing everything right- health testing, showing, neurological stimulation for puppies, questionnaire for potential owners, etc. The only problem is that it looks like she has ONE dog! I've actually seen a lot of good Doberman breeders online. It seems like the Dobe group is a more responsible, conscientious one than a lot of other breeds.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks guys! Liesje- i think i took her by surprise! I hit her with a plethora of questions in my first email. She seemed very honest. I know she has titles in conformation, but i don't know if she is titled in obedience, although she does compete. Thanks for bringing up some good points!!

    Tamara- At first i felt like so many of the breeders were good too, until i got on some of the forums and learned that they weren't. Yuck! I think she has maybe 2 or 3 dogs...she said she doesn't breed to breed...she breeds when she wants a show dog, so i really liked that. I appreciate your input as well!

    • Gold Top Dog
    ... At first i felt like so many of the breeders were good too, until i got on some of the forums and learned that they weren't.
    Hmmm, it sounds like maybe more Dobe breeders just know the right things to say. What a shame that apparently a lot of them are misleading! I guess all you can tell for sure on a website is which breeders are NOT good. It sounds like the breeder you've been talking to would be a really good place to get a puppy. She's doing everything right that a breeder possibly could. I think the neurological stimulation with the puppies is a really big plus too.
    • Gold Top Dog

    yeah, i have a pretty good feeling about her too. i should get a dobe person to look at her dogs' pedigrees. Most of her dogs are "Bel-Mar" dobermans, which i've heard of before but i don't know much about them.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not a dobe person, but from what she presented on the website she seemed like a decent breeder.  The only thing that would bug me a bit is that it doesn't look like she lets the new owner decide whether the pups ears are cropped or not, but that's just my own personal hang-up (not against cropping in general, just probably wouldn't want my own dog done).  

    • Gold Top Dog

     Christina, i don't think most breeders like to leave a dog uncropped because they don't know if it's show potential or not yet. But i'm not for sure. I know a lot of the shutzhund type breeders who don't care about conformation will leave the ears natural. They are very cute too.

    and last night i did some more research on some of the other lineage of her dogs. Niklby dogs were in her dogs' pedigree a lot, and that is a nice place where the dogs are titled in show, agility, and obedience. The other one was called Amonde dobes and they had very nice titled dogs too.