
    • Gold Top Dog


        Thoughts? Comments? Experience? May be rescuing one this week Stick out tongue.... won't know until probably tomorrow for sure. But anyway... just wanted to know your thoughts... and please no byb/designer dog bashing.... I agree that they shouldn't be bred on purpose but what's done is done and this little girl needs a home. Thanks!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    i have experience with various mixtures of the two, but unaware if i've ever met a chipoo.... i would imagine that would be rather fun to own if it was raised properly. i like Chihuahuas that havent spoiled or traumatized.... and i like poodles if they arent clingy and "lap guards" ... both breeds, or maybe all toy breeds, are like that if you allow it.

    poodles are fun little dogs. very spunky and active. they have a lust for life and everything is a game to them. but i do believe both breeds can be clingy and will sulk if left alone. i remember my grandmother griping everytime she went shopping. when she came back there would be poop and pee on the floor despite her walking the dog. despite ME walking the dog for her while she was gone....

    good luck!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks. I don't know a lot about this dog other than she's a product of owners who don't have time for her. She's a year and a half old about 5 pounds.. and adorable looking, if her pic does her justice. She comes from a family with two children, a 17 year old and a 6 year old. I've been very upfront about not wanting to deal with any aggression issues and I've been assured that she's not aggressive at all... so we'll see. From what I've been told, the owners just don't have time for her and she's the type of dog who wants to be a part of the family. They say she's crate trained and housebroken and up to date on all vaccs.. but not spayed.

    I'm picking her up tomorrow, around 6:00. We're all excited. Even my husband hasn't said anything negative about it.. other than I "owe" him. He was pretty adament about not getting another dog until we're in our new house which is  liable to be sometime early January. Right now we're living with his mom. MIL has been very gracious concerning this dog and didn't hesitate to allow us to bring her home My husband wanted to hold out and get a purebred dog and raise it from a puppy, but I'm hoping it was just meant to be that we take this little girl Wish us luck!!!.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ginger is a Poodle/Chihuahua mix, and she's a sweetieSmile We also adopted her when she was an adult (10 yrs) through the vet clinic I work at. Her owner couldn't afford her care any longer and was going to take her to the shelter. The vet requested she surrender her to the clinic instead. She's a very sweet girl, not aggressive at all. We quite adore herSmile  She's a nice combination of both breeds (she's about 9 lbs) and looks very elfin.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Well, we got her! And she's adorable. But I'm not quite sure they got her breed right. I honestly think she's got yorkie in her and not poodle, lol. Nothing about this little girl says poodle to me.She doesn't act like a poodle. She doesn't look like a poodle. And you ask her if she's a poodle and she growls at you (lol, just kidding!) Her previous owners bought her from a Chipoo breeder,  though, so they're pretty confident about her breed.

    She has long hair, but it's straight, not even the slightest bit wavy and she's shedding something awful. Her ears stand straight up and are kind of big, reminds me of a papillon... She's white, with black ears and a couple big black spots on her back. Her eyes and face definately say chihuahua to me.  When she shakes, her hair stands up all over, like she stuck her finger in a light socket.And she hasn't had an accident in the house yet!  She's really precious. She weighs just over five pounds and is closer to two years old. She seems really sweet. I hope she works out... I'm sure she will. Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have to admit I was confused by the thread title and thought it meant Schapendoes, lol!  

    OK, let's see some pics of the new girl!.... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah, WHERE are those pictures? 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hmmmm.. so what EXACTLY do you get when you breed a chihuahua with a poodle? A dog with the oddest coat and sweetest personality you've ever seen!! Well, that's what WE got anyway.

    And here she is. Everyone, meet Chi-Chi.



     She is the sweetest little dog. These pics were literally just taken about 10 minutes ago... right after her haircut and bath. Before her haircut she had sprigs of long hair all over her head... a few long sprigs in her ears and you couldn't see her eyes, the hair on her body was about four inches long in some areas and shorter in others. My job this evening was to make her look better, more even. I hope I succeeded.  She has the oddest coat. It's like part of it is similar to a poodles "hair" and part of it is like a regular dog coat, a little more coarse. The black coat is more coarse than the white.. it lays down more, but the white coat reminds me of Albert Einstein.. or someone who stuck their finger in a light socket. She does shed (so much for poodle mixes not shedding!) and she sheds a LOT! Hubby's not too happy about that.. but oh well. The rest of her makes up for it. She has YET to have an accident in the house... and yes, I probably just jinxed that. She's not a big eater, only a couple bites here and there and she's good. No big meals for her, she wants to keep her girlish figure I guess, lol!!! Oh, and by the way.. new name suggestions are welcome.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aww... shes so cute!

     I love those ears!