Is my dog a beagle HELP!!

    • Bronze

    Is my dog a beagle HELP!!

    HI can anyone help me, i brought a puppy Daisy and i love her to bits, but i am worried she is not a beagle and is in fact a fox hound, i have got the paper work for her but she very long and not chunky like a beagle, she is only 7 months so maybe im over reacting but look at my photo of her and could anyone give me some info on it?? 

    many thanks

    • Gold Top Dog

    A picture of Daisy would make it easier to give an opinion .Smile  That said, I've seen a few Beagles that are a little on the long, lean side.  In fact, there is a very sweet Beagle around the corner from us like that.  She also has a lighter bone structer than some other Beagles.  I'm assuming there is a divsion Conformation/Fiels in Beagles like in Labs- the ones from field lines tend to be a little more "streamlined".

    • Gold Top Dog

    height? weight? LOL 2 pics isn't much to go on. She has marked "knuckles' on her front legs which hint to me that she's quite big...her head/body type, is indeed very foxhound or Walkerhound. What registry are her papers with and did you purchase her from a reputable source?

    This is a 7 month old 15" Beagle, female. You can see they ARE very lanky at that age if they are going to go 15"....this bitch matured to 14 1/2" and weighed about 18lbs last I saw her. But her head is still a Beagle type head....



    • Gold Top Dog


    I love her.. I think we need some Sandy puppy pics. Big Smile

    OP..what's it matter if your dog is a purebred beagle or not?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What is her height/weight?  It's hard for me to tell in your pics, but I don't know hounds that well.  To me, your dog's face looks slightly different than a correct purebred Beagle, but I don't know about Fox Hounds either.

    • Gold Top Dog

     where did you get your beagle? you said you have papers but what sort of breeder was it?

    they're not all created equal... some are leggier than others, some have different shaped heads... some are taller, stockier, etc and so on...

    if you got a working line of beagle then that breeder wont care as much about the standard of the dog.. same is true if you bought from a breeder selling puppies with an ad in the paper. 

    your pup looks more like a harrier to me

    because she isnt as blocky in the head as most beagles... but again it depends on that breeder. i've seen many beagles in the backs of pick up trucks, bred JUST to trail deer, never setting foot in a show ring, not a one of them with papers... some looked the standard and some didnt. the hunters i know dont give a rip about papers.

    Here's a Foxhound by the way


    i doubt the switched dog breeds on you. its PROBABLY a beagle.. but not one that has been bred to standard.. again it depends on the breeder and his/her ethics. there could very well be some other hound mixed in there. did you get to meet the parents of this puppy? 


    • Bronze
    there are two pictures of her on my page did you not see them?? i will put some more for you, many thanks
    • Bronze

    thank you so much for your information dumdog, i did see the mother but not the father so maybe he wasnt a full beagle, i got a family tree, yeah it does sound like she is a beagle but just not a beagle breed for showing.

    thank you for the pictures, of the other dogs, ill wait and see when she is older what she looks like, i love her all the same,

    can you go to the vets and get her checked???? 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Why does it matter? Confused Where did you get her? Are you planning to show? You said she has papers - what kind of papers? AKC registration? UKC? Something else?

    There's a genetic test that can be done for I think around $60 but it's fairly imprecise. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     just my own thoughts but ... i can understand why someone would feel it matters if they paid for a "pure bred" only to have it morph into some other off the wall breed...

     doesnt mean they love their dog any less, but it can be quite annoying and bad business that others need to be aware of.

    If i bought an American Bulldog puppy and it grew up into a pit bull you can bet your boots i would be cheesed off! totally different personalities/functions/and training methods and size. doesnt mean i would take the dog back or drop it at the pound or give it away... but i would be banging on that breeder's door and shouting some choice words..

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't think fox hound, but I'm a dummy!  I would say she's a beagle!  Looks like one to me.  Gina, would be the expert on this, she's got beagles, beautiful ones!

    • Gold Top Dog
    She looks VERY VERY Beagle to me, but more of an English stock, from the UK. Their dogs are actually quite a bit different from the American look. The English are very fond of the open marked (which is the color yours is) and some tend to have more of a foxhound head. Depending on her height and weight is going to be the determining factor as to whether she is a Beagle, Harrier, or Foxhound, but I say she looks all Beagle to me!

    Do you know if she has any UK dogs in her pedigree?
    • Bronze

    thank you very much for your reply because it has made me very happy because i am english and she is english!!!!!! and we live in the uk. yes she is a broken tri like you said.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Haha, I guess it hit in right on. I took one look at her and knew she had to be from English lines. She is a very pretty little girl.