St. Bernards

    • Gold Top Dog

    St. Bernards

    Where can I find info on the breed St. Bernard? I've always been interested on how the breed looks (that and my dad is obsessed with them) and I'm considering getting one in the future.. Probably when we get our Dane puppy.. Any advice would be great! Links also would be welcome! Thanks!


    • Gold Top Dog

    • Bronze

    I live in the U.S., so I would go to the AKC website (, look up the breed and then click the link on the left side for the national breed club.  That should tell me every thing I want to know about the breed.

     Be sure to pay special attention to any and all genetic issues that the breed is susceptible to and be sure to know which can be tested for BEFORE breeding and be sure that any breeder you wish to purchase a puppy from does the testing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is there a canadian counterpart to that site?

    I know about the usually genetic issues (ei: eyes, hips, joints) are there any specific for this breed? 

    • Bronze

    That would be the Canadian Kennel Club ( and a list of genetic issues should be available at the national club site.  (Sorry, St.'s aren't a breed that I am familiar enough with to offer much advice beyond this.)

    • Gold Top Dog


     (Sorry, St.'s aren't a breed that I am familiar enough with to offer much advice beyond this.)


    Forgiven! Lol. I haven't seen much St. owners on this site so I'm not expecting ALOT of help. But these links are helpingSmile I'm seriously considering finding a St puppy when the BF gets his Dane and raise them together. 

    • Bronze

    Please remember that both of these breeds are very large and very powerful.  They will need plenty of training.  Make sure you have the time and energy to do this with both of them.

     Personally, I would never, ever have two puppies at the same time.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't worry, I understand the size and power behind these two breeds.

    What probably will end up happening, is I will wait until the Dane is atleast a year before we get the St puppy. 


     Personally, I would never, ever have two puppies at the same time.

    I'd always like to raise two puppies at the same time but in reality, I'm not that brave.. Lol. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just google St. Bernards and you'll find something on them!  They are a huge breed!  I had cousins in Titusville, PA, who had about 3 of them and they are a very large breed.  I wouldn't get one, if you live somewhere where it's warm all year round.  Didn't see where you were from, so thought I would mention this.  They are a beautiful dog, I know I've always been facinated with them since I seen a movie w/ one in it as a rescue dog.

    • Bronze

    Go to   you can search anybreed and it also gives you numerous breeders links and websites.

    I am a St bernard lover as well and will own one in a few years.I have done tons of research on the breed.I have a Great Pyr puppy now that i will raise first then add a Bernard to the family.