Black Pommies

    • Bronze

    Black Pommies

    Any Black Pommies out there ?????
    • Gold Top Dog

    Not a pom but I'm getting a German Spitz mittel puppy soonish that happens to be black. :P (German Spitz are a distant relative of the Pomeranian; in German, the Pom is considered the smallest variety of GS.)



    • Bronze
    Your picture looks exactly like my little Pommie looked like when she was a Baby Girl !!!!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Nope, he's not black...but this is my brown pom:


    • Gold Top Dog

    This was my black pom, Missi

    • Bronze

    My first dog was a black pom!  Her name was Lynda Rottenpup and she drank coffee for breakfast every morning.  My friends got her drunk at a county park when we were 17.  That was a vvvveeeerrrryyyyy long time ago!!

    My current pom (and the first one I have had since little Lynda) is black and tan.  I promise to post pics when I figure out how.