Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Border collies
I know there are some Border Collie worshipers out there, lets unite and brag about how smart our dogs are!!!
i saw one of these dogs on tv at a dog show. they look rather unique, do they exist in great numbers here in the usa? anyone have any experience with them? i wouldnt mind another dog, perhaps one that would take more of a challenge to raise. the kuvasz are brilliant looking as well.
Taigans - the Kyrgyz sighthounds
Hallo! Have you ever heard about the Taigans. They have been bred for over thousand years now. Unfortunately they were nearly extinct, but they are reviving now. If you are interested in something "alternative" in a canin world, go end check my site, please:
Finally I got my beatiful GS puppy today...Take a look..
She is going to be 5 months like in two weeks...Her name is Brisa..Im impressed..very smart less than 15 min crate training her..she went in by her self and now she goes in and out by im writing now she is sleeping next to my bed...Good night everyone... [IMG]http://img.photobucket...
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What is an American Gointer? a Hush bassett? a Mini boz?
Check out this list of "hybrid dogs". Which is your favorite? Which name makes YOU shake your head? Personally I vote for the PLICA. What is a Plica? It is a cross between a Basset Hound and an Ori Pei. What is an Ori Pei? An Ori Pei is a cross between...
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Looking for input on my mixed breed
I adopted my dog Koa about 6 months ago and I am trying to come to agreement on her breeds. The shelter determined she is a Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix but her trainer thinks there is some Pit in her. Browse through the photos on my profile if you want to see more pictures. I'd like any opinions...
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Scalloped lips?
I don't have a good picture, but I Googled for a while and I couldn't come up with anything, so I thought I would ask the experts. Theo, my lab/retriever/flatcoated-look-alike mutt has what I would call ridged or scalloped lips. Not that I've looked at many dog mouths, but is this common...
Cairn terrier
I seldom see any cairns. I guess that could be a good thing they are not so popular; not as many people wanting them. Though I think the general public is not familiar with them. My cairn is black and many people think he is a scottie. When I tell them he is a cairn terrier they still do not know until...
I wanna play "Guess the Breed"! (Liesje)
Let's hear some opinions on Coke. Do you think he could get an ILP? He's very attentive, food motivated, and wants to please. I think he'd make a good rally dog eventually. I'm not sure of his exact weight and size. Kenya is 21" and 55lbs. Coke is taller than her, so likely heavier...
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Let's Talk Shepherds for a moment
At least 2 or 3 times a year, somebody joins this board with the inquiry "Why are American Shepherds crippled?" and thus, I have written this It is short, but has pictures of dogs in motion that I have critiqued. These pictures were sent to me for the sole purpose of being critiqued, thus...
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Pug question
So my BF and I have these friends that have a little 14 wk old pug. I'm sure it's from a BYB. They've had a lot of medical problems with her already. Having some kind of parasite I think in her intestines, or maybe it was just worms. But every time I go over there her right eye is some what...
Need help selecting a good guard dog for my family
Hi there, I've grown up around dogs before with my parents owning a Boston Terrier and then a Norwegian Elkhound. I'm now looking for a dog for my family that will be a good guard dog but will also be good with young children aged between 4 and 8. I know that you shouldn't leave young...
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Great Danes
Hello everyone! I am not looking into getting a new dog any time in the near future, but at some point in the next few years I would like to have a great dane. Before I seriously consider this, can someone tell me a bit about the breed? Traiinability, exercise needs, etc. I think they are beautiful...
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guesses on my shelter find?
Im not sure what my Cooper is but he looks a lot like a norfolk terrier...with less hair. anyone got any guesses? I have pics on my profile
How about a Golden?
I am wanting info from people who have lived with golden retrievers, because everyone around me is trying to tell me I will not like this type of dog more than my boxer. Quick disclaimer: I am not currently looking for a dog to get right away. I researched boxers 3 years before we got one more than...
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Breed Guesses?
Hello, I recently adopted a puppy from a shelter, and I'm curious as to what breed she might be (not that it really matters; I'll love her the same whatever she is ). The vet thinks she's around 6 months old because she's almost lost all of her baby teeth, and she weights in at 17 pounds...
Breeds with cat-like feet
Does anyone have a list of which breeds of dog have feet that are described as cat-like? I know Dobermans are included, but that is the only breed I can think of and I know there are more. Thanks!
Is this a pure breed German Shepherd?Answer ASAP please
Hi.Im new at the forum.Im from Miami.I have a question.I went to a shelter today and they have this puppy that looks like a german shepherd to me but they have to put is a mix german shepherd because is a puppy and they can't tell if is mix or not.I dont know a lot about dogs.Can you tell me what...
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Aussie People: New MDR1 FAQ page on the Aussie Health & Genetic...
For those worried about, or looking for testing info for, MDR1 in Aussies:
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Staffordshire Terrier, or not?
Hello everyone. This is Lucy... What are your opinions on her breed?
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