Breed Guesses?

    • Bronze

    Breed Guesses?

    Hello, I recently adopted a puppy from a shelter, and I'm curious as to what breed she might be (not that it really matters; I'll love her the same whatever she is Smile ). The vet thinks she's around 6 months old because she's almost lost all of her baby teeth, and she weights in at 17 pounds. We have no history on her as she was dumped. Any ideas on what she is? I've heard Australian Shepherd, Sheltie, Jack Russell Terrier, and all-around-mutt. Thanks in advance.

     These are some earlier pictures from when we first adopted her.




    With Pickles, my lab/acd mix





    And some more recent ones











    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, gosh, what a cutie!  Her ear set reminds me of LisaK's Kodi.  She was told he's a Golden Retriever/Austrailain Shepherd mix.  Given her size, she might be Sheltie/Australian Shepherd mix.  Her coloring is very similar to a Sheltie/GSD mix I knew as a teen.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I say she's just an adorable cutie-that's it.  Actually, she does look like part shepard as  far as coloring .    What a happy dog!     Dog

    • Bronze

    She is adorable!! Smile

     I can't really put my finger on it, but she looks like a heinz 57.. Maybe a little Shepherd in the coloring or even Sheltie, I see Spaniel for some reason.  She has those little bits of longer hair on the ears and chest..

    • Gold Top Dog

    Multiple mix,  the sheltie makes sense, maybe something hound to explain the head piece and terrier to explain the coat (especially if there is a course texture to the coat)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really have no idea as to her breed but I wanted to thank you for posting the pictures because she is really adorable!



    • Gold Top Dog

     Oh my!! What a cutie!!! And good for you for adopting a shelter dog!!! Rescues make the best pets!!!

    I'd say she looks like..... maybe shelti/spaniel/shepherd/mix of mixes? All I know is she is ADORABLE!!!! If she goes missing, don't look at me!Wink 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am not good with guessing breeds - the coloring just makes me think GSD.

    But she is a cutiepie!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is so cute, I just want to pick her up and snuggle her! I have no clue as to breed, but hers ears have an Aussie look to them.

    • Puppy

    I can defiantly see German shepard there...paws down! But maybe there's Aussie too because that is NOT a Shepard face. And there is something samll in there too. The pup isn't even 20 lbs. I doubt that it would be mini aussie because there aren't really a lot of mini aussies running around out there the way there are land and GSDs. I think the samll breed could be sheltie...except that the dog has NO white on it and it seems to have a very shepard-ie coat. It's hard to tell. I hope this is at least somewhat helpful for you.

    that pup is cute as a button by the way!!!!