Is this a pure breed German Shepherd?Answer ASAP please

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi everyone..finally im picking my baby tonight..Her name is going to be Brisa(breeze)...I bought her some toys today..a dog bed..I need to buy her shampoo,and all the grooming stuff...I want to know what king of shampoo I should buy for her(brand....)and everything else..thanks...

    • Gold Top Dog

    I prefer shampoos that don't have a scent.  Dogs have such sensitive noses that scents humans think are nice can really bother them.  German Shepherds only need bathing if they get really dirty.  Bathing them too regularly dries out the coat and strips their natural oils, which will result in an itchy dog that stinks MORE than a dog who is not bathed so much.  Also, b/c they have a pretty substantial undercoat and can have hair on the longer side, getting them wet a lot can irritate the skin and cause hot spots.  If you plan to bathe her often, you'll want a good quality pet dryer as well to make sure she gets dry down to the skin.

    I don't bathe Kenya unless there is a reason (like, she rolled in some poop).  For grooming, I use an undercoat rake a few times a week.  I also have a slicker brush, but that doesn't really do much.  I've got a shedding blade which gets hair flying offer her, but the one I have tends to break and damage her guard hairs, so I really only use the shedding rake.  You'll also want a nail trimmer or dremmel for her nails. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    thank you...I just got a crate..canidae food..for all picking her up tonight...Im so happyyyy!!!LOL...WHAT KIND OF CUP DO YOU USE TO MEASURE THE FOOD AMOUNTS?

    • Gold Top Dog

    More important than shampoo: a good brush.  This breed sheds furiously! and you need a tool that can cope with that.  I've never had a GSD so I'm not sure what is best for their coat type, but there are plenty of other GSD people here who can tell you what they use and you can drop by the Grooming section, see what you find there...   

    I agree with Liesje - don't bathe often.  Less is more!  WASH THE BEDDING not the dog Smile  If she is well brushed and has clean bedding she will not smell bad.  So, more important grooming stuff is the right brush so you can make sure she is groomed properly.... Grooming should be a very brief and very pleasant experience for puppies.  It will develop into a time when you gently check her feet or ears or mouth - just pretend to at first, for a microsecond, then offer a tidbit.  This will help her get used to gentle handling from a young age.  Go very very easy and slow though... let her learn to trust you!  Grooming is also great for bonding. 

    I just use a small cup to measure out my dogs food, like a teacup, not a mug.  How much you feed will be dictated more by her condition and your intuition than by any weight or measure Wink  Rule of thumb in our house is, we like to be able to feel the ribs with the flat of the hand and the dog should have a waist. 

    I am so excited for you.  Keep us updated, we want PICTURES.

    • Gold Top Dog

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG im so happy...sHE IS HEREEEE.......i though she was 8 weeks old she is almost 5 months old....Im showing her the house..the family etc..I just took some pics of her playing in the they are...hOPE YOU LIKE HER!!!


    • Gold Top Dog

    Congratulations!  I hope you have many happy years with your new baby.