Scalloped lips?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Scalloped lips?

    I don't have a good picture, but I Googled for a while and I couldn't come up with anything, so I thought I would ask the experts.  Theo, my lab/retriever/flatcoated-look-alike mutt has what I would call ridged or scalloped lips.  Not that I've looked at many dog mouths, but is this common or breed specific?

    • Gold Top Dog

    if you mean along the flew/botom edge near the corner of the mouth, then I've seen that to be the norm. If you mean the top lips that cover the upper canines....then no I've never seen that.

    • Gold Top Dog

    like this?


    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes!  That's them!  Is there a proper name for them?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Dunno...that part of the lips is referred to as the flews among dog people...but typically only when they are loose and hanging a bit. A dog witha  tight mouth can't really be said to have "flews".

    • Gold Top Dog

    dunno about all that. just checked the jack russell's lips and they have slight scalloping.. nothing at all like Bens or Kaydees... i know they are called flews but i always called them jowls lol 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Our lab has them scalloped on the bottom only.

    • Gold Top Dog

    i think all dogs have them to some degree. depending on the size of the dog and.. jowly-ness... jack russels arent known for having excess skin around their mouths but hounds and bulldogs and mastiffs are.. for what ever reason.. dont know why really...

    being called a flew i can only imagine they serve the same purpose as... a flew in a chimney lol but i could be wrong. Ben is notorious for drooling.. things are always sliding off his lips in streams of drool...