Finally I got my beatiful GS puppy today...Take a look..

    • Gold Top Dog

    Finally I got my beatiful GS puppy today...Take a look..

     She is going to be 5 months like in two weeks...Her name is Brisa..Im impressed..very smart less than 15 min crate training her..she went in by her self and now she goes in and out by im writing now she is sleeping next to my bed...Good night everyone...












    • Gold Top Dog

    Brisa is beautiful. Congratulations on getting her and on the great crate. I hope you found a food that you liked and that she will enjoy.  She must be so happy sleeping by you, it must offer her so much comfort. Good luck and keep us posted on your daily pleasures in having her.

    • Gold Top Dog

     she's gorgeous! lol love the ears too XD good luck to you both!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is indeed gorgeous!

    I love the ears! Those are some mighty fine ones to grow into to!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is beautiful. PLEASE stick around and keep us posted on her.  Your enthusiasm is infectious.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is did good.....and she looks like she feels home already....Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is beautiful! And looks so at home already. You did good!!

    And I agree with Chuffy, please do stick around.

    • Gold Top Dog

    she's gorgeous!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    aww pretty girl!  nothing better than big GSD ears!!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Hi everyone..thanks for all those beatiful comments on my babe...I have ????She didn't want to eat today in the morning before I left to work..I called my mom around 10 to tell her to give her food and she told me that she didn't eat it..Yesterday night when she got home I gave her food and eat really good...whats going on??what should I do?
    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't worry, my Kenya would not eat or poop for four days when I first got her!  It took her a few weeks to actually eat all her kibble when I put it in front of her.  They will not starve if they are too nervous to eat for a few days. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    thank you...I was worry because yesterday night she eat,but she didn't want to eat today..also what is good for flea and tick??she has some in her paws and ears?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Fleas or ticks in her ears?  Ticks - go to the vet and have them removed.  Fleas - go to the vet and get a Capstar tablet.  You'll also need to treat your house and yard now that eggs have been spread.  You'll need to "fog" or "bomb" or use a product with an insect growth regulator (I got a spray from the vet and treated ALL of the carpet, furniture, bedding, and curtains in the entire house).  For prevention, I use Frontline Plus, also available from a vet. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have some thoughts about the food.  What is she currently being fed on?  Could you get a small bag of it (her previous owner might even let you have some) and let her have thaht for a few days.  Then mix in the new food you want her to have and with each meal, increase the amount of new food and decrease the old food, until she is eating the food you want to feed her.

    Don't worry if she is off her food for a few days.  Whenever I get a new puppy or dog I make a point of getting them to the vet in the first couple of days, so if you go to get some flea stuff, take her along for a basic check up.  Chances are, this is just nerves... last night she was probably inquisitive and curious about the new place.  Now it has dawned on her that everything has changed and she feels anxious.  Dogs have to "let their guard down" to eat and most won't if they feel vulnerable, nervous or scared.  She will start eating as she settles in.  Don't free feed - give her set mealtimes that she knows she can rely on to maximise her feeling of security.  Put her meal down and if she walks away from it, pick it up.  Try again next mealtime.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Good advice on the flea and tick deal......don't be too worried about her not eating a ton during the time she has to get used to could spruce up the kibble with some cooked hamburger meat or anything that would trigger her wanting to eat.......some of my dogs need something mixed in all the time........Good luck.......