Finally I got my beatiful GS puppy today...Take a look..

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is eating now..I talked to her previous owner and he told me that she likes to eat the can chicken so I got her some and mix it with canidae and she is eating it..I took her to the Vet today..she got her vaccines..I removed all of the ticks today..3 hours doing that and she was behaving so good..sleeping most of the time..and after I bathed her...also I bought the flea and tick medicine..its called advantage multi 55..---(88$ for that GOSHHH))..she weights 35.6 pounds..A little bit under weight I would say...thanks to all of you for the help...

    • Gold Top Dog

    I went back and looked at her photo's, such a pretty girl.

    I once worried about Kord's weight, and to be honest he runs thin. I want to let you know that 35.6lbs is a decent weight for 5months, Kord is 15 months and only weighs in at about 76lbs, and he is a male. Thin is better than fat on growing hips and elbows, and if your vet was unconcerned I would not worry about it.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ^^  I second that.  Not so much with puppies, but with adult GSDs, if the vet says they are "fine" they are either fine or too fat.  If the vet says they are "thin" then they are fine.  That's been my experience and the experience of several GS owners and breeders I know who have active performance dogs.  Many GSD people involved in breeding working dogs and doing competitive sport prefer to see the last ribs.  Ideal weight will depend on the dog's height and bone structure.  Kenya is only 55lbs, but she is pretty short for a purebred GSD and has pretty "dry" bone.  Other adult females weigh in at 70lbs or more and still look sleek and competitive. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you!!!!This forum its the best with you guys...My babe seems so clean and beatiful now...I treat the house like an hour ago with some spray(fog)for ticks and flicks..the terrace...and my car(lol) and I bought another spray that kills then in minutes...I put some on her paws..neck..and other places...Im in love with my GS PUPPY....LOL Surprise

    • Gold Top Dog

     Nestor, You are doing a FANTASTIC job! Brisa is so beautiful and lucky to have you caring for her!

    • Silver

    She is beautiful, and I look forward to more pictures! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Congrats! She's gorgeous. Are you going to take an obedience class with her? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nestor, I'm wondering how it's going with your beautiful girl...  

    • Gold Top Dog
    Me too me too! I keep checking back on this thread for updates Smile
    • Gold Top Dog


    Hi everyone!!!Sorry I been bussy in the last days with work school and my wonderful GS...She is doing great overall...I have some things to tell you guys so I get some suggestions..She is only eating the kibbels mix with can food..if not she wont eat..what should I do???Also a dog park opened yesterday I took her there...she is scare of dogs..when she sees one,she sticks her tail between her legs and she wants to go...I took her today too and she is way she is not scared as she was yesterday but she still is a little bit..Im trying to take her every day to socialize her with the dogs...anyone has any suggestions for me???what should I do besides taking her to the park????also I been training her for the past three days..she seats on command...she lies down..and stays on command..She is super good...I crate trained her..and he has never done poop in the house..not even once...on this week I will take some videos...thanks to everyone...good night!!Wink
    • Gold Top Dog

    If she is scared of dogs I would enroll in a puppy socialization class.  At the dog park, fearful dogs often get ganged up on b/c more confident dogs will "correct" their nervous behavior.  This can make the dog even more scared.  If you enroll in a puppy class, you will have an instructor there to help and make sure things get better, not worse. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    some new pics as I promise...Im going to upload a little video that I just took today when I was taking the pictures..



    • Gold Top Dog

    Great video!!  We are doing the same things with Coke right now but he's about 10 times as big as her, lol.  He only knew "sit" so we are teaching "down" and "stay". 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Brisa is exquisite! You must be so happy with her! And you're doing a fantastic job with her, too! How fun! I love seeing the movie! I hope you make many more. She's really going to be beautiful as she grows up!

    Can I make a suggestion as far as training? You should only say the command once. Make sure you have her attention and then say the command once. If you say it three times, she will learn that the first 2 times don't count and that she is only required to do the command after you've said it 3 times. (They're SO smart!)  

    Thanks again for the beautiful pictures and video! More please! Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    thanks every one..I will take that  for the next time...She stays too but I didn't recorded..I will record one later where she seats,down,and stays...thanks again....