Need help selecting a good guard dog for my family

    • Puppy

    Hi!  I know this is an old post, but I just wanted to add that Newfies are excellent guard dogs for your family.  A thief could probably walk off with the house but the "his/her family" is safe.  A Newf will put himself between their humans and the danger, or try to get you away from it rather than fight off an aggressor.  But be sure certain that if the other doesn't work, a Newf can tear a human to shreds.  It just takes an awful lot to get one that riled up.

    • Silver
    Dear redroman, I understand your situation, I don't agree with you that German Shepherds aren't good with children! I'd recommend you a rottweiler, they are medium size dogs, they look very mean (especially pure breed rottweilers), and they are very kind with children and puppies. Yes I know that there are many terrible stories about rottweilers but if you properly train your rottweiler he will be just an angel, trust me.. I have a rottweiler and he is doing very well with small kids and puppies even if he shows aggression to big people! Rottweilers are perfect guard dogs, dobermans aren't so bad too.. they eat and poop less than rottweilers :D xexe.. If you don't agree with me and if you think that rottweilers are nothing but killers, I highly recommend you a golden retriever, they are very very kind with children, other people and with other dogs. But they look very cute and kind wich you don't prefer.. So maybe I'd try a German Shepherd, In your place I'd get a perfectly trained, pure breed rottweiler Thank you, Yaminov Nusrat specially for you from Uzbekistan, Tashkent (USSR) :)
    • Puppy

    The key to Shepherds and Rotties is knowing your breeder, proper socialization and obedience training.  Both are wonderful breeds who get a bad rap from bad owners and breeders.  IMHO the same goes for Pitbulls.  I have known many of this breed who were the sweetest and most even-tempered dog you could ask for...until someone messes with mommy :)

    • Bronze

     Want the best gaurd dog and family dog in one? Research the Bullmastiff. Dont just take my word for it because I have one and I love them...ask other people, research the internet, ask your local vets. They are mean looking, big, calm, and will put up with anything from a child. From personal experience: mine barks when ppl come to the door or when she sees something strange on walks, people who dont know her will cross to the other side of the street if they see her but my close neighbors all love her. She also puts up with a 2 year old who pushes, pulls, pokes, runs, screams...everything.

    Look into it, you won't regret it.


    • Bronze

    Two words, Great Dane.  You have a dog that weighs upwards of 180 pounds and has a bark that is the canine equivalent of a lion's roar.  Only a complete psycho would consider breaking into a house where one or even 2 Danes live and even then it is doubtful he would be succesfull in the attempt.  On the flip side though, Danes are loving with their family and kids in general.  Truly a perfect family dog/home guardian.



    • Gold Top Dog

    i'm sure there are still some good old fashioned working Danes and Bull Mastiffs out and about.... but knowing what i know about dogs... neither one would scare me off from breaking and entering.

    Now.... German shepherd.. Doberman... American bulldog? i'll think twice thank you very much.

    I pride myself in my guard dogs... they are not just full of hot air. they mean it when they growl at you! But.... and a big BUT at that.... my breed is a HUGE liability if you dont have a clue about what you're doing or how to control a dominant breed...... not for the faint hearted or average dog owner. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am a bull breed aficionado and agree with  Dumdog.  if you haven't had any bull breed before, make sure to do your homework before you get ANY breed, but especially any of the guardian breeds.

     My last dog was a Pit/Lab/Boxer and my current is a purebred Am Staff.  My dogs have always taken their guarding jobs seriously. My girls are/were smaller (pound-wise) than many of the breeds mentioned above, but both would defend me or my family with their lives. Sasha, my last dog, kept a truly creepy neighbor out of our house on more than one occasion. He came over now and again to borrow things (can opener and such) and she went BALLISTIC every time he came over.  It was all DH could do to hold her while I would get the can opener.  If DH wasn't home, forget it! We had a visit form the local police one evening (asking about a car we had sold) and I thought he would get after me about her.  he said, "Now there's a dog who does what she's supposed to!" in admiring tones.  By then, Sasha was licking him to death.

    Gypsy is my salesman ejector.  She hits the door before me and her growls and snarls will send shills down your back.  When I open the door, I am holding her collar and she always rears up on her hind legs. I have had football player-sized guys back off my steps at the sight of her!  However, with either of my girls, once I told them the people were OK, they became licking fiends. Gypsy is best buddies with ALL of the mail carriers in our neighborhood and she will climb into ANY UPS truck looking for Brad, our driver.

    If you have NOT had a guardian breed before, spend a lot of time reading up on EACH breed you are interested in.  Then visit your local shelter before looking for a reputable breeder.