Pug question

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pug question

    So my BF and I have these friends that have a little 14 wk old pug.  I'm sure it's from a BYB.  They've had a lot of medical problems with her already.  Having some kind of parasite I think in her intestines, or maybe it was just worms.  But every time I go over there her right eye is some what clowdy.  I don't know if a dog injures his eye, which I know ;pugs are prone to do, if it would be clowdy like that.  It's very suttle.  I don't really want to bring it up, since they've already been through a lot with her.  They got her after their other pug got out of their yard and got hit by a car.  She's from the same breeder, who just happened to have a litter of puppies when they called her [sm=rolleyes.gif]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd mention it, just because it's so important to treat eye injuries promptly. It may be something simple like conjunctivitis, which is treated with antibiotic drops, IIRC- but if it IS, you want to make sure it's not contagious- and if it's illness rather than injury, it could be. 
    • Silver
    Yea i agree with Pwca it could be small or something needed to be checked
    • Bronze

    Sounds like an ulcer.  All pug eye "problems" should be checked out ASAP.  Pugs are prone to some eye stuff, they're so curious and don't have a snout to provide some distance between the eyes and the nose.  Usually the vet will just put some dye in the eye and check it for the ulcer.  An untreated ulcer can lead to more serious problems (i.e., loss of vision).