Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Rhodesian ridgebacks?!
This is a breed that I like a lot and was considering to get one in the near future. I've read lots about them and I think one would fit nicely and easily in my way of life But, I have spoken with breeders and many people who own them, and they mostly said that these dogs are stupid, untrainable...
OMG i met one yesterday at the dog park! It was the cutest, silliest dog i've ever seen! I have never seen one in real life before...I am in love! That is all!
Vizsla- What do I need to know.....
when I go to look at a potential show pup? I was wanting a Irish Red and White Setter to show but have fallen for the Vizsla. One of the ladies in the club I just joined raises them and she is going to help me show mine if I get one. I would be getting a male(agreement I made with JJ). I am going to...
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What do you guys think about this breeder...? Know anything about her? I'm planning on getting a Beauceron (it will be a couple years at the earliest), but I'm wanting to do some research on breeders and bloodlines and such now. Any thoughts on this breeder? She caught my eye mainly because she is right here...
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Japanese Chin
I just met the cutest Chin ever. His hair was so silky. He was just gorgeous. Any first hand experience?
HELP! What breed am I?
Hello everyone, A friend of ours had this stray dog in her neighbor hood and was looking for a good home for him. So we adopted him and named him "Skip". He is an EXCELLENT dog. Very good temperament with my little son and very mild and good natured. He has been an instant hit around here...
Catahoula leopard dog
They have been catching my eye lately. I think they are beautiful dogs and am going to start researching as I am very interested in the breed. Does anyone here own one? What are your expierences with the breed? Tell me everything you know and pictures are always great! (:
Is this dog a Pomeranian?
Someone dropped this adorable dog in our subdivision. He didn't have a chip, tag or collar. After taking care of him for the past one week, we have decided to keep him. We took him to the vet today and he seems to be a healthy dog (3-4 years old, 14" tall and 9.0 lb). We are wondering if he...
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Ridges on top of snout - breed association?
Always trying to figure out the mix He has gotten very prominant ridges on his snout especially near his nose. Any breeds known for this or is it generic thank you for playing - this is the best picture I could find of it - in real life it is VERY visible
American Allaunts -- Tell me more please
I just heard of this breed for the first time today, and I am just curious to learn more about them and when/how/why they originated. I briefly googled them, but didn't come up with much info. Apparently they aren't a recognized breed. I'm hoping some of you folks here might have a little...
stalking... a breed trait?
Is stalking prey a breed thing or more of a dog thing? Just curious... just saw my dog stalk a rabbit. The rabbit was just sitting there at first while my dog slowly inched towards it like lion would. She's part terrier but I have never seen terriers stalk anything.
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Is Your Breed Easy To Train?
I just took Riley on a long walk and practiced heeling and his recall....he did really well, but I gotta say sometimes it would be nice to have a border collie or aussie or german shepherd - one of those breeds that are renowned for their trainability. It seems like it would be so much easier to teach...
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Why are people trying to miniature size every breed of dog?!!! Why are people breeding poodles to every breed of dog?!!! I am so confused. I just saw a add for miniature Boxers and one for miniature Golden Retrievers. And then I saw an add that made me want to cry. Irish Setter/Golden Retriever breed...
What is the difference between
A Pit and a Staffie
Irish Red and White Setters
The Irish Red & White Setters have received full acceptance into the AKC effective January 1, 2009. So if I get one before then can I register the pup with AKC in January?
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LGB Dog Aggression
Ok, every week in Toronto Sun, a pet trainer has a column in which concerned pet owners can write in and ask for advice. Think of it as a "Dear Abby" for pet lovers. Normally I don't become enraged with the letters, as you can tell some people are new to the pet ownership game and are...
Breeds and teeth?
Just curious if some breeds are known to have larger teeth, whiter, less healthy etc. I know that some small breeds are more prone to dental problems but is there a breed correlation? I am very curious about tooth size or length as Bugsy's teeth are larger than the goldens or labs we know - may be...
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'The American Gentleman'- Boston Terrier
Jeter is our first Boston Terrier. Please share your experience with the breed, temperament, issues, anything. Love to read all about it.
Not AMBully is a pitty mix **UPDATED pic HEAVY**
A friend of mine has some pups that she wants good homes for and I have been ignoring the urge to say yes & haven't even seen the pups. I know her bitch well & she is lovely. Not too familar with the breed but have owned a english bull terrier so am aware of reactions to a "vicious"...
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Doberman breeder
I'm looking into getting a male Doberman in the near future. I found this breeder near me and might buy from them, do they look Ok? I know nothing about health testing in Dobermans... I need some help from breed savvy people on this board. ...