Japanese Chin

    • Gold Top Dog

    Japanese Chin

     I just met the cutest Chin ever. His hair was so silky. He was just gorgeous. Any first hand experience?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I've known a few through showing. Beau has a Chin girlfriend. ;) They seem like sweet dogs, and pretty spunky. Their coat reminds me of the papillons- it's almost identical. Of course the muzzle and head is very different.
    • Gold Top Dog

     I've had them in class and play groups.  Generally speaking, most have had nice temperaments - good companions, and low maintenance coats.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I met a few while I worked at the kennel. Every one was very sweet natured. I don't care for small dogs, but if I ever got one it would definitely be a chin.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Tootsie would never let me get another dog, especially a companion breed. She would much rather have another rough and tumble corgi.Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think you'd be surprised at the rough and tumbleness of certain companion breeds. *glares at dog* (She is in trouble)