Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Questions about my Papillon...
I just recently bought a Papillon puppy, shes a little over 5 months old, and I have a few questions that I would love to be able to find an answer to... I saw her lose a tooth the other day, so obviously she is teething. Her breath started to smell a lot worse than it had been the same day, so I was...
Non-drooly mastiff breeds?
Is there such a thing? I've got my huggable spitz, now, which has left me with no idea, really, what would be next on my list. Not that it's urgent by any means. I really like the big mastiffs, but I really hate drool. I'd love a dog that was kinda the opposite to the Lapphund. Big and serious...
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what is your favorite breed(s)- BY LOOKS ONLY! (jm)
... and why? since i'm not very breed savvy, i wanna do this one just by looks so mine are... standard poodle (no floofy hair cut please ) -they look so elegant and smart pibbles -sooooo cuuuute!!! just wanna smooch them all over!! great danes -gotta love those long legs!!!
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Akita (Japanese...American...?)
Ok, so resently I've started looking at Akita's(yes I know, I'm the BC-crazy person, but still). When I had my Akita, they were known as Japanese Akita's, now all the breeders are calling them American Akita's...can someone tell me what I've missed in the past, oh, six years?...
Another guess the mix
So I was organizing my pet papers and realized Tina's still listed as a dalmation/jrt mix... Cause we all know, white puppies with black spots have to be dalmations and any active, bouncy pup needs to be a JRT... I've had JRT owners say they see some JRT in her. Especially the way she bounces...
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Livestock guardian breed question
I went to visit some friends in the Texas Hill Country this weekend. They have goats and sheep and some cattle. They use BC's for working the livestock. They have six Great Pyr's and two Akbash. My friend was telling me they don't like the Akbash as well because they run off the deer. Deer...
Redboone coonhound or Viszla?
Came across this pup while helping my friend look for a pup. Says he's a redboone coonhound but he so looks like Joker!! What do you guys think?
German Shepherds- Your favorite color?
What is your favorite color for a German Shepherd? I like Black and Silver, but long-haired black and gold sable is my favorite.
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Visitor once removed - help me with ID
My neighbor once removed occasionally keeps his children's dogs for a few days. I've seen a Weim and a Weim mix (don't ask) and on a couple of occasions, this dog. It is the only one Spip has trouble accepting (good thing there is a whole other yard between us, lol), probably because he just...
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Anyone have any actual experience with them? How do they compare to tollers other than obviously being smaller? I hear they also have more health problems due to a smaller gene pool. . Yeah, I keep finding more and more breeds that appeal to me the more I look. (Borders, Aussies, Pyr Sheps, Tollers...
Breeds you thought you'd never like
Is there a breed of dog you thought you'd never be attracted to, that you find yourself liking more and more? I know some people are more inclined to be atttracted to some breeds compared to others. Not saying they hate the breed they thought they'd never like, but just never saw themselves owning...
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Need some breed help.(kle1986)
Some friends of mine have finally decided to get a dog. They wont be getting one till the first of the year though. Husband is switching over to a better job and they want to wait a couple/few months till they are settled with the new job. He wants a male dog. She wants a female dog. They want a puppy...
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New puppy!!!
Yes...a little sister for Rafe... So what's the guess on her? Here are some photos of her at my class. She is so adorable it is just! And a few of Rafe, just for fun (guesses for him are welcome, as well)...
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Aussie or BC???
Got a drop off. I saw him yesterday but didnt think anything of it. But today he has decided to come stay at my house. He is very skittish. I cant pet him but he lets Samantha pet him. He is obsessed over Kujo and isnt paying any attention to the cats. Aussie or BC? The tail is throwing me off.
what breeds to you think?
Not exactly sure what Kiwi is...we guess aussie/border collie. DO you think anything else? [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
What do you think she is?!
She followed me when I went hiking with my dogs (it was a whole day trip) and I didn't have the heart to close the door in front of her, so I took her in. I've put lots of ads all around, called the vets, and later found out that she doesn't have an owner and that she's been on the streets...
what, oh what, could he be?
This is my newest foster, Harley (when will I learn to stop!! haha.....) He's just under a year old, and fiesty as can be! He's barky - very terrier like. But he's also sweet as pie. He's a bit jealous, but we're working on that - he's been through a lot, so I'm thinking it's...
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What am I?(couple new pics)
Got another drop off. I think she is Dachshund/JRT mix. What do you all think? And what would you name her? She is really calm and follows Samantha everywhere. She is good in the house and doesnt try to get on the furniture but makes herself at home on the porch swing. She wouldnt stand up so I could...
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Aussie/Border Collie
For anyone with firsthand experience with both breeds I would like to compare and contrast the disposition and trainability of them.My 11 year old son has a working bred Aussie.We almost didn't get her because of the negative things we'd read.We have 40 acres therefore she gets alot of exercise...
Breed guess!
My friend adopted this cutie boy @ the humane society several months ago. He was listed as a lab/ golden retriever, but i don't see it! I was thinking maybe some sort of beagle-y mix, possibly a little yellow lab. He's about 40 lbs, very sweet, and he is a sniffer. Overall is a very calm, laid...