Akita (Japanese...American...?)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Akita (Japanese...American...?)

    Ok, so resently I've started looking at Akita's(yes I know, I'm the BC-crazy person, but still). When I had my Akita, they were known as Japanese Akita's, now all the breeders are calling them American Akita's...can someone tell me what I've missed in the past, oh, six years? And, anyone with more experience then me with this breed, please feel free to give me lectures on Akita's...seriously, I'd love to learn more about them.Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    The split is a HOT HOT button issue. People get very upset when they talk about it. Silly perhaps but thought I'd warn you. It is a major MAJOR bone of contention. If you look here...


    There is some information and background. There is also THIS LINK relevant to the pro split

    Apparently a very recent vote put the issue to rest...for now. People are very vocal on both sides so it will doubtless be revisited. See THIS LINK for a discussion of the recent events with AKC.

    I won't lecture you...this is something you need to get into and make decision on...on your own. I have been thru the wringer on it several times...the nastiness associated with it made it even easier for me to leave the breed, but it wasn't the sole reason.

    I love the breed...and type is something I have varied taste on...but I have seen too, too many dogs OUT OF STANDARD of both "looks" to think that either side has much more right to be picky than the other LOL.

    ETA: doing a search on AKITA here will also yield various threads where they were discussed in past.

    • Gold Top Dog

    WOW....thats a whole lota drama for a little bit of nothing.

    Honestly, sorry to offend, but all the dogs I've seen, look about the same....only real difference is black or white mask's....and thats not enough to split a breed.

    My opinion(and I'm an outsider looking in) spliting Japanese and American styles is like trying to split Lab's into 3 new breeds, Black, Chocolate, and Yellow. Imposible, and rediculous. (please excuse my spelling).


    As for my Akita(if I get one, I'm flip-floping between breeds right now...) it would be strickly a pet, maybe some agilty for the heck of it, or search-and-rescue. Not dog shows. But still, spliting a breed of dog based mainly on appearence is not a smart move, in my opinion.