what, oh what, could he be?

    • Gold Top Dog

    what, oh what, could he be?

    This is my newest foster, Harley (when will I learn to stop!! haha.....) He's just under a year old, and fiesty as can be! He's barky - very terrier like. But he's also sweet as pie. He's a bit jealous, but we're working on that - he's been through a lot, so I'm thinking it's something he'll adjust out of (no, he doesn't get away with it). Great with other dogs, playful with cats, loves kids. He's super athletic - jumps like a kangaroo, and can run as fast as Casey and his JRT girlfriend. He's super curious too - he's trying to figure out what my fish is right now...... He's around 13# I would say, He's a little smaller (in height) than Casey. He's from the East Coast in FL - not sure where he came from before we pulled him from the shelter.

    I want to hear your guesses, then I'll tell you mine =]

    • Gold Top Dog

     Chihuahua Min Pin mix? Rat Terrier mix?

    He is so cute!!

    Oh and Samantha wants him now. She says Kujo needs a friend.

    • Gold Top Dog
    My guess is rat terrier x chihuahua mix
    • Gold Top Dog

    How funny you says fiesty since that's what I see..Feist!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I can see a miniature pinscher, or maybe a bit of a german hunting terrier...


    • Gold Top Dog



     Chihuahua Min Pin mix? Rat Terrier mix?...

    Just what I was thinking.

    • Gold Top Dog




     Chihuahua Min Pin mix? Rat Terrier mix?...

    Just what I was thinking.


     Me too!

    • Gold Top Dog




     Chihuahua Min Pin mix? Rat Terrier mix?...

    Just what I was thinking.


     Me too!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Min Pin X Chi mix is my guess too.  I don't see much rat terrier, not scruffy enough. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Scruffy? http://www.ratitatt.com/images/Kali/Kali%20front%20left%20profile%201%20yearx.jpg
    • Gold Top Dog

    Oops, got my terriers mixed up.  I knew someone with a dog that looked like a border terrier but said it was a rat terrier.  That's why I was thinking scruffy.  Embarrassed



    • Gold Top Dog

     Border Jack?  Border Stack?  Border Jack Jack?  Well, I went looking for the web site of the breeder up north who has a whole stable of these dogs and crosses for sports, and can't find them now.  A couple of the crosses looked and acted just like this.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like a Min Pin-X-Chihuahua....Rat Terrier-X-Chihuahua....Min Pin-X-Rat Terrier.....he looks like hes a hand full!!!