What am I?(couple new pics)

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have no idea... But she is adorable!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say catahoula or blue heeler mixed with JRT or corgi.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I really don't see corgi. I definitely see ACD. ACD/ Doxie? My BF has a heeler(ACD) mix and I see ACD in that sweet face. No corgi though.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Heres an heeler(ACD) mix and a purebred corgi:


    • Gold Top Dog

    How do you always  end up with the cute ones- especially when you dont want them??? I never get cute lil drop offs. She is adorable and looks so cute with sam!

    • Gold Top Dog


     Heres an heeler(ACD) mix and a purebred corgi:



    She does have your BF's dog's face and ears. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    She's so cute! Come drop her off with me...if I ask DH he'll say no, but if she just appeared inside my fence one night......

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is adorable!! I could see heeler-X....not sure though....I've seen some merle Pit's lately, they say there not pure, but maybe she's got some Pit in her, with all that bone and her chest/shoulders look pretty wide for a young dog. I'm not sure though.

    • Bronze

     oh good grief. i have to stop looking at these posts... i want her! god, if only my situation was a little more stable...

    tooooooo cute!!

    i think i'd name her something pretty from a book or mythology... i dont know why, maybe its the coloring, but she looks like she needs a special name, not something common... simple, but different. hmmm...